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It was all impulse.

Din knew that.

From the moment he first kissed him, to the moment he confessed to Luke, it was all on impulse. He loves Luke. He does. But something feels wrong. Like he had made a fatal error. Something twisting distinctly in his gut, but he chose to ignore it.

The voice suddenly became louder than ever, telling him that Luke would never be in his reach. So Din confessed. It was so quick and sudden, and it was all to shut the voice up, just to prove himself. He didn't put any thought into it. He was so incredibly blindsighted.

It feels too fast. Things were moving too rapidly. Everything he did, everything he chose to reveal to Luke he did so consciously, but now he feels drunk in his own thoughts. Everything was real. Everything he did with Luke he did because he was comfortable with him. Because he loved him.

It's so conflicting.

Like some part of him was warning him.

That voice.

Where was it coming from?

Din thought that he was free from the struggles from his emotions, his jealousy, but it was only a mere illusion. Luke distracted him from it. There's something greater.

He feels like he's going insane in his own head. That feeling that comes and goes, wrapping around his body, whispering thoughts into his head.

But Din looks at Luke's smile, one that could brighten up the horizons, and he convinces himself, that it was the right decision, and that everything would be alright.

He loves Luke. And nothing would ever change his mind.

It was as if any normal day, Luke was teaching the younglings, Luke offered Din to teach the younglings how to use a blaster, but after one too-close call, they ended that session fast.

Lunch, and more lessons, it seems like nothing was wrong.

"Do you want to join our meditation session?" Luke asks, leading Din to a nice looking garden where all the younglings were, preparing to meditate.

Din was about to refuse, meditating was extremely boring. Din couldn't just sit still for hours, he's tried. He'd rather take a nap. But one look at Luke and Grogu's bright pleading eyes had Din on his knees. He wished he wasn't such a pushover when it came to them.

Din sits on the ground, crossed-legged on the grass. Luke sits beside him, with Grogu on his lap. He places a hand on Din's knee, smiling. "Relax. I'll guide you through this." Luke assures.

"Close your eyes," Luke says. "And take a deep breath."

Din does as he says, shutting his eyes, inhaling deeply, feeling his lungs swell with air before releasing slowly.

"Feel the force around you, and grasp that feeling," Luke continues to explain.

Din almost wants to scoff. He's meditated before. Or, at least, tried to. When he was younger and had a lot of pent up anger, the Armourer told him to try meditating instead of throwing himself in fights and beating people up. Or get himself beat up, and returning to the covert in need of medical attention for that matter.

Din found his trusty right hand resolved his anger better.

Din thinks back now that she meant it as a sarcasm, but he tried anyway. In short, nothing ever happens. He just sits there, doing nothing before he gives up.

He only wanted to humour Luke at first, Din was sure he was just about as force-sensitive as a rock. Get a couple minutes in of mediating, then make an excuse to do something that's not meditating. Right, he wanted to give his ship a new coat of polish, but he didn't have the time to. Now would be the right time-

Dinluke Book idk I hate naming thingsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon