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  White. There's nothing but white.

  Luke blinks his eyes repeatedly, and nothing changes. He rubs his eyes, wondering if this was a dream.

  He looks down, and sees his body. He pats himself on the legs, and it all feels real. But when he looks up, he sees Din, standing in the center.

  Luke brightens up in near instinct, his legs already skipping towards him without him even much so as a thought.

  But something...feels off. No matter how much Luke runs, he can't seem to get any closer, and the more he ran, the colder he felt. A shiver ran up his spine, as the cold settled in his bones, winds suddenly howling, frost covering his body as he marched on forward. Din wouldn't even look at him, his back turned against him. He feels rage, anger, sadness, conflict in him.

  In a way, it almost felt like his father. Dark, filled with conflict, sadness, but it was still something entirely diffirent.

  He shook the terrible thought from his head. So what? If he could save his father, then he could save Din. He reached out, trying to yell out to him, but it almost feels like the words are lodged in his throat, and he couldn't speak, no matter how hard he tried.

"You don't trust me," A voice rings out. It's Din's. "I'm not good enough for you."

  Luke fervently shakes his head, he tries to speak, but no words come out. He so desperately wants Din to know that he loves him, and that he doesn't need to prove anything to him, that he's absolutely perfect as is, but he can't. He hates himself for being unable to speak up.

"You can't even say anything," Din continues, voice filled with hurt and betrayal. "You're better off without me."

Luke's throat burns, he can feel tears beginning to roll down his cheek in hopelessness. He holds his hand out, but what good is it if he couldn't reach?

No. Don't leave. Please.

He's helpless as he watches Din leave. His chest feels as if it's lit on fire, yet at the same time it feels so empty. Din walks further and further away, and Luke yells and screams, but in the end, he has no voice.

"Luke. Luke," A voice calls out to him. He could recognize that voice in an instant. He feels a gentle shake to his shoulder.

Normally he would feel happy, but now he just doesn't know what to feel. Luke blinks his eyes open, and sees Din leaning over him, with concern leaking into the force.

"Din...?" Luke asks, his voice hoarser than he had imagined. But he could speak.

It was a dream.

Luke lets out a sigh of relief, Din was here, and it was all a dream.

"Luke, are you alright?" Din asks again, worried.

  Luke tries to smile to ease some of Din's concern, but he feels much more tired than expected, despite just waking up. He sits up, rubbing up his eyes as he yawns. "Well, I could be feeling better, definitely."

  He looks at Din, who has already prepared a hot steaming cup of caf for Luke. He tilts his head, unconvinced. "You were shivering and mumbling something. Are you sure you're okay?"

  Luke takes the cup of caf, wrapping both his hands around the cup to savour its warmth. Part of him wants to lie.

  Luke shakes his head. "If I'm being honest, no," He feels more concern leak into the force. He already hates making people worry, and now it feels even worse with Din.

"Do...you mind talking about it?" Din suggests, already making a move to sit beside Luke, taking a corner of the blanket still on the bed and covering it over Luke's shoulder.

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