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Notes: Warning for violence, blood, that kind of stuff, just Din being the BAMF that he is

  Din was about to return back to Luke with the sweets he promised, but found himself stranded when he realised he was out of fuel. And out of credits.

He had been splurging way too much for Luke and Grogu, and stopped doing his job for way too long, and now, he finds himself defeatedly going back to Boba to ask for a job.

He hoped that he would never have to go back for the sake of his already bruised ego, but it seems like fate really liked to mess with his life.

He goes back to Boba's Palace, trudging through the stairway, as he makes his way up, ignoring the odd look Fennec gives him.

Boba's sitting on his throne, clearly bored out of his mind as he listens to another subject yap about something seemingly not important enough to get Boba interested. His head picks up as he notices Din, and he immediately sits up and waves the subject off.

"Listen, we're done for today. I have an important guest to tend to," Boba dismisses, nodding at Fennec as she escorts the subject off.

"We're not done yet, we still haven't discussed payment–" The subject complains loudly as he gets promptly shoved out the way by Fennec.

"Didn't expect you to be so soon," Boba starts talking, ignoring his previous subject's pleas echoing in the background. "So, did you successfully manage to court Skywalker?"

Din grimaces behind the helmet, turning his head away, hopefully signalling Boba to shut the hell up.

Boba raises an eyebrow in interest. "I take that as a yes?"

He doesn't take a hint.

Din sighs, shaking his head. "Yes, we're together."

Din doesn't let Boba stay on that topic any longer. "I need a job. I'm out of credits for fuel."

Boba hums in amusement. "I see."

Din has a feeling he doesn't see.

"Say hello to Skywalker for me," Boba says chuckling. "As for your job... the bounty hunter guild may no longer be operational in Tatooine, but I think I have something for you."

Din nods. "I'm listening."

Boba takes Din to a room, and pulls up a holo of a Weequay. "Used to be a loyal subject to Jabba. Fennec heard wind of him gathering people to stage a coup against me."

Din takes a closer look at the blurry holo trying to memorize his looks. "And you want me to kill him?" He asks.

Boba crosses his arms. "Hm, I'd prefer for him to be alive, just so I can get some information out of him. But if he resists, kill him. It should send a message out to any of Jabba's subjects left on Tatooine."

Din nods. And before he leaves, he remembers a request he's left in the back of his head.

He sighs, swallowing up his dignity once again as he asks. "Can I ask for a favour?"

Boba chuckles amusedly, stroking thoughtfully at his chin. "Go on."

As per Boba's intel, the Weequay should be near the outskirts of Tatooine. It's a smart move, being so close to Sand People territory.

Din moves in closer, seeing a seemingly deserted hut out in the sand. 

Din sneaks near the entrance, readying his blaster as he kicks down the door to the hut.

There's nothing but a few crates, piled up high atop of each other, and empty shelves filled with sand. Din turns on the thermal vision on his helmet, hoping for more clues on his target.

Dinluke Book idk I hate naming thingsWhere stories live. Discover now