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Luke and Din attempts to pick out some flowers for the flower crown, but they can't leave Grogu alone for one second without him shoving flowers into his mouth.

  Luke groans as he pulls Grogu firmly to his lap, plucking the petals out of his mouth. "For the last time Grogu!" Grogu whines, chasing after the fallen petals on the grass.

"Do they really taste that good?" Luke murmurs, staring at the pale petal in his hand. He can't help but be curious, judging how Grogu loves eating them so much.

A little taste wouldn't hurt, right?

  Luke holds the petal up to his nose, giving it an experimental sniff. It still smells fragrant, giving off a light foral scent. He takes a small bite.

  It tastes disgusting.

  Luke spits it out, spluttering as he tries to get the horribly bitter taste of his tongue. How could Grogu like something like this?

"Did you really just eat that?" Din asks, with a tone of clear amusement. He laughs as Luke pouts, his face flushing as he realises, yes he did just eat a flower.

  But it all feels worth it to Luke, as he got to hear Din laugh. It's soft, genuine, and music to Luke's ears. Luke wishes he would laugh more.

  The moment is ruined, however when Grogu somehow crawls out of Luke's lap, helping himself to some flowers.

  Luke sighs, exasperated. He really didn't know what to do with that little rascal. It surprises him, however when Din is the one who motions Grogu over. Grogu looks at Din, then back at Luke, when eyes that know he's trouble.

  Grogu slowly waddles back to Din, who pulls him into his lap. Din reaches into his belt, then pulls out a lollipop. Grogu's eyes instantly light up, trying to reach for it as he babbles.

  Din pulls it just out of reach however, watching his Grogu's ears droop, whining sadly.

"Do you want the lollipop?" Din asks, in the soft tone that's only reserved for Grogu. Grogu nods quickly, before trying to reach out for the lollipop again.

"If you promise to stop eating the flowers, I'll give you the lollipop. And if you don't..." Din trails off, and then looks at Luke. "I'll feed it to the Jedi."

  Grogu's mouth drops open, looking between the lollipop, Luke and Din. "Do you promise?"

  Grogu's reaction is instantaneous. Din chuckles, finally relenting and handing the lollipop to Grogu who grabs it eagerly, shoving it into his little mouth.

  Luke looks at Din with slight look of bewilderment. "How did you know to bring the lollipop?"

  Din shrugs. "Just had a feeling."

  Luke now knows to never doubt a father's intuition.

  Now with Grogu hopefully occupied, Luke goes back to picking out some flowers he thought would go well with Din. Some purple ones, pale yellow ones, pink ones, white ones...

  Luke spares a glance at Din, who seems to be twiddling thumbs and laughs. "You can pick some out too, it's for yourself, you know."

  Din's shoulders slump as he tilts his head away. "I'm... not really a flower expert."

  This makes Luke snort a laugh. "Well I'm not a flower expert either, I come from a place that has nothing but sand and dust."

"You come from Tattoine?" This makes Din's turn, with a tone of clear disbelief.

"Yeah, surprised?" Luke asks, gesturing at himself. "It's the real deal, right here."

  Din chuckles. "I'm surprised you don't look worse." He comments.

"So are you saying I look good?" Luke eggs on, trying to fish for a compliment.

"Seen worse," Din simply says.

"Wow..." Luke mumbles. "That somehow hurts more than it should."

"I meant it as a compliment," Din adds.

  Luke looks up at Din, narrowing his eyes at him suspiciously.

"So... you're saying I look good?" Luke offers with a hopeful smile.

  Din meets his gaze. "Not bad." He says in the most monotone voice.

  Luke huffs, pretending to be mad as he turns away from Din. "Stubborn." He grumbles, but he knows he's smiling.


"Are you done picking your flowers?" Luke asks, turning around to see what Din's picked out for himself.

  It somewhat surprises him that Din picks out bright colours, like bright blue, bright green, bright yellow... vibrant colours in general. Din always seemed like a guy who likes dim colours, but who was Luke to judge? It's cute, in a way.

  Din seems embarrassed by his choice of flowers, attempting weakly to cover them up. "My helmet... it distorts colours. I picked the ones I could see best through my helmet." Din justifies.

  Luke lightly shoves his chestplate with a laugh. He holds the flowers Din's picked up to him. "These flowers spoke to you, so you picked them. There's nothing to be embarrassed about." He assures calmly.

"Do all Jedi speak this cryptically?" Din mumbles, distracting himself by picking through the flowers.

  Luke laughs. "Something tells me you would love Master Yoda."

  Luke takes his gathered vines, twigs, and flowers of choice and pushes them to Din. He tilts his head, confused.

"Now that we've picked our flowers, it's time to assemble. You can just copy me, and tell me if you need help," He can tell the hesitation present in Din, so he offers another smile to try and help comfort him.

  He senses determination through the force.

"I get to build my own lightsaber?" Din suddenly cuts in snarkily, making Luke snort, and almost choke on his laughter. Din really somehow had the best comedic timing ever.

"Y--You still remember that?" Luke splutters, trying to catch his breath by how hard he was laughing.

  Din pretends to check his imaginary chronometer. "Well it was only twenty minutes ago."

  Luke playfully elbows at Din's side, and squeals as he shuffles away when Din holds his hands up menacingly, making grabby motions.

"We should stop getting distracted now!" Luke says breathlessly, flipping his hand through his hair.

"Please demonstrate, Master Jedi," Din motions for Luke to start.

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