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He walks forward, and his body seems to move on its own without any input from his mind.

  Din takes in a sharp breath when a sudden headache hits him. This must be what Luke was talking about. Maybe this was a warning for him not to progress further. Din could feel himself approaching the darkness, the feeling of pin pricks on his fingertips, the heaviness in his steps, it was so contradicting. Like his body was guiding and warning him at the same time, his sides battling within him.

  He should leave. He has no place here, and Din did not want to see his headache get worse.

  As if it was afraid of this, Din feels his headache dull in a moment, his limbs all suddenly feeling rigid as he hears a faint voice.


  Din bites his lip when he hears the title. He want to steer away, leave, open his mouth, call for Luke, end the connection, so many things that rush to his mind at once. The feeling of danger that creeps deeply in his veins, a well-trained instinct with his many years as a bounty hunter.

"Manda'lor," The voice whispers again.

  Suddenly, the vision of many other Mandalorians appear right in front of him, some he can vaguely recognise. Stories passed down from many generations, legends that he believed when he was a kid, coming to live in front of him.

  All the previous wielders of the Darksaber, previous rulers of Mandalore, they stand in front of Din.

  Din freezes at the sight. He has to shake the chills that run through his body, seeing the people who shaped Mandalore as it was. He immediately goes down on his knees, unsure of what other action can convey the absolute respect he had for them.

  Din couldn't even form words.

"Manda'lor the Redeemer. That will be your title,"

The voice continues. "Raise your head, child. You are destined for so much more, and you will take what is rightfully yours."

  The voice fades away, as well as the vision in front of him. They come and go, all in a flash.

  And one thing is for certain, they sure love their vague talks.

Din lifts his head back up, and sees a small pedestal placed in front of him, a small crystal floating on top of it, the splash of night sky captured in the tiny gem, the darkness that gives no shadow, the pitch black starkly contrasting against white snow.

  Din's body screamed for him to take it. It felt like a piece that was missing within him.

  He outstretches his arm, trying to reach for the crystal. He feels it. So strongly. It feels suffocating as Din's fingertips touch the crystal.

   He feels like his body is being torn apart with the adrenaline being injected into his veins.

  The last thing he remembers, is a blinding flash of white light.


  He's floating in and out of consciousness.


  He tries to open his eyes, but he can't seem to will himself to. His head's fuzzy and there's a slight ringing in his ears, but at the same time, he feels warm and cozy.

"...Gods, Din are you okay?"

  He hears that panicked voice again.

"Please Din, wake up!"

  The voice seems to be on the verge of tears. Who did it belong to?

  Wake up. He tells himself.

  But he feels so exhausted. Surely he could lie in a second more?

Dinluke Book idk I hate naming thingsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora