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Din goes back to his usual landing bay, preparing himself for probably an onslaught of questions by Peli. He finds himself surprised when Peli is waiting for him, with hands on her hips, with a slightly troubled expression.

  Din puts his guard up as he walks to Peli, who points a thumb back at his ship. "Someone's looking for you, and they don't look happy."

  That wouldn't be the first time. Din sighs, putting down his bags with Peli. "Look after my stuff," He deadpans as he approaches his ship.

"Could've at least said a please!" Peli yells from behind, which Din promptly ignores. Three figures come out from his ship, and Din immediately recognizes the pain in the ass that is Bo-Katan striding out to Din, a clear cloud of anger and annoyance surrounding her.

"What is it," Din grumbles. He was in no mood to play nice.

  Bo-Katan turns her head with a heavy sigh of irritation, taking off her helmet and rolls her eyes at Din. Clearly they both were in a sour mood.

  Her eyes flicker sharply at Din, her pointed gaze enough to burn through Din's helmet. She takes in a shallow breath, in an attempt to calm herself. "Our deal." She spits out.

"What of our deal?" Din challenges. He knows exactly where she's getting at, but he wants to play innocent just to spite her.

"You're. Not. Holding. Up. You're. Part. Of. The. Deal," She grits her words out one by one for emphasis, even going as far as to shove Din, and not lightly either.

  Din contemplates taking off his helmet just to roll his eyes at her. "What do you want," Din deadpans, not rising up to Bo-Katan's clear aggression.

  Bo-Katan holds her hand out, and one of the other Mandalorians by her side hands her a holodisk. Din feels his blood rapidly boiling as Bo-Katan waves the holodisk in front of him.

"You were supposed to be training with the Darksaber, not hanging around your jetti boyfriend," She growls, shoving the holodisk onto Din's chest, forcing him to grab it.

  That had touched a nerve. Din clutches his fist, biting his lip to contain his anger, which was threatening to burst and boil over. He steps closer to Bo-Katan, towering over her, putting his arms very carefully to his sides so he doesn't punch her accidentally just because he couldn't help himself. The mandalorians beside her ready their weapons, their fingers close to the trigger, and Din knew they would shoot him if he even so lifted a finger.

  He wanted to try those odds, but he knew he shouldn't.

"You were snooping around my ship?" Din asks, trying to keep his calm, but he couldn't stop the anger and animosity seeping into his voice.

  Bo-Katan hardly looks fazed, causally flipping her hair as if Din wasn't two steps away from choking her. "You made me do this," She states, her tone not even slightly apologetic. She pulls a key from her belt, and Din actually starts to shake from how pissed he was. And she has the audacity to wave it in front of Din, like a sick attempt at trying to tease him.

"I have your ship's travel log, and I will release it if you don't get prepared," She says before pocketing the key back into her belt. "I know where your boyfriend and his younglings are, and you wouldn't risk dangering them, would you?" She asks, even though she already knows the answer.

"I thought you had pride. Now you're resorting to dangering innocents?" Din instantly retorts. Bo-Katan's eye twitches slightly, clearly affected by Din's comment.

"And you're dangering my people by holding on to the Darksaber!" Bo-Katan yells, having lost her patience. "My people are waiting, and I don't want to wait until you get married to finally get the chance to challenge you!"

Dinluke Book idk I hate naming thingsWhere stories live. Discover now