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Din walks into the backalley, looking shiftily around back and forth, making sure he's not being followed as he punches in a code next to the door.

  A camera comes out a flap, giving him a thorough scan, then beeping in conformation as the door swings open. Din checks around one last time, before walking inside.

  The armorer stands in a corner, focused on forging something as she faced away from Din.

"You're well," Din says.

  The armorer doesn't stop, continuing to hammer away at the object she is forging. "Of course I'd be. As if I would be beaten by some Stormtrooper," She states causally.

"I didn't mean it in that way," Din corrects himself.

"Of course you didn't," The armorer replies coolly, completely unfazed. "Take a seat,"

  Din looks around, and sits on a nearby bench, continuing to watch the armorer. The armorer doesn't seem to have any intention to move, so Din decides that he should just start talking.

"I... delivered the child back to the Jedi," Din reports flatly, earning a thoughtful hum from the armorer.

"Not too precarious, I hope?" The armorer quips lightly.

  Din nods his head. "It went well," He says.

"Is that all you've come to report?" The armorer's cold, flat voice cuts in sharply, making Din swallow nervously.

  He exhales a shaky breath, reaching around his belt to pull out the weapon he very so dreaded.

"I also managed to acquire this," Din adds.

  The armorer finally stops, putting her hammer down, and turning to face Din, walking towards him.

  She grabs the Darksaber with near no hesitation, flickering it on. The blade ignites with a satisfying hum, and she studies it closely.

"I assume you know the significance behind this?" She quizzes.

  Din heaves a slightly annoyed sigh, recalling the ordeal that happened leading to getting the saber. "More or less," He huffs.

"How did you acquire this?" She shuts the weapon off, weighing it in her hands.

"The kid got captured. I needed help to get him back, so I struck a deal with someone by the name of Bo-Katan," Din pauses, watching the armorer to see her reaction. She doesn't seem to budge. "She would help me with the child, as long as I handed her the saber."

  Din heaves another annoyed sigh, "However, she failed to mention that the saber has to be won by combat, and after I defeated Moff Gideon, I had rightfully gotten the Darksaber," Din grits out, trying to keep his tone level. "I tried to hand the saber over to her, but she wouldn't accept it. So now I'm stuck with this. And, I was thinking, maybe you could take this from me," Din admits.

  The armorer braces her thumb over the smooth surface of the saber, humming thoughtfully before offering it back to Din. Din hesitantly takes it back, tucking it into his belt.

"I see your intentions, but unfortunately, I have no interest in becoming the ruler of Mandalore," She replies coolly.

"You would be a better leader than me," Din argues.

"Like I said, I have no interest," The armorer turns around swiftly, heading back to the blacksmith.

  Din clutches his fist, before releasing it with a sigh. "Would you...at least aid me in my training? I am still not proficient with the blade, and I only have limited time before I get challenged," Din asks, trying not to sound too pleading.

"You are acquainted with the Jedi, yes?"

  The question throws Din off guard, and he swallows nervously before answering, "Yes. I am. What are you suggesting?"

"Then perhaps they can help you train instead," She states causally.

"Is that allowed?" Din asks, a quick image of Luke Skywalker already flashing into his mind.

  The armorer hums. "Something tells me you already have someone in mind,"

  Din bites his lip in order to hide his surprise before she continues.

"This is the first time I have come across a blade like this, and with your acquaintance with the Jedi, I trust they will be able to train you better than I," She pauses. "Besides, I have duties to attend to. With you as Mand'alore, now this is the perfect time to rebuild our covert,"

  Din can't help but wince at the title he will have to bear. He pulls the Darksaber hilt out of his belt again, clutching it tight in his hand, looking at his own reflection in the smooth metal.

"Then, I shall be off," Din says, making the Armorer turn back to him, giving him a curt nod.

"This is the way," She says.

"This is the way," Din repeats.

  Right as Din goes to leave, there's a fervent twist in his stomach, as if reminding him of something else he must ask. Din grits his teeth, chewing the inside of his lip. He halts just before the exit, turning stiffly around.

"Before I go I--" Din pauses mid-sentence to heave a soft sigh. "I think I have one more question," His shoulder slump, feeling embarrassed.

"Go ahead,"

"I--have been visiting the child recently," Din swallows the lump in his throat, "And I have met someone, as a result,"

  He feels a flush climbing up his neck. "And every time I see him, I get, strange feelings, strange thoughts. It's been distracting me on jobs, and...I wish to know more about how to deal with this,"

  The armorer stops her hammering immediately, turning around and marching swiftly to Din's position, her visor scanning him up and down. Din can somehow feel the judgment in her eyes, and how she was humoring Din when she replies, "Strange feelings, how?"

  This somehow feels even worse than the amorer just kicking Din out for asking such a stupid question.

"I feel happy. Whenever he's around. I feel content, and I want to spend more time with him," As Din goes on, his words come out more smoothly, as if his feelings for Luke were doing the job for him, filling in the gaps in his mind. "And when I'm away from him, I'm always thinking of him. And when I see him smile, it reminds me of..." Din trails off, not wanting to admit his own thoughts.

  The sun.

"Something I don't deserve," Din ducks his head, his thumbs idly fiddling with the clasps on his belt. He's already admitting more than he was supposed to.

  The armorer tilts her head in question. "And why do you feel like you are undeserving of that someone?"

  Din's heart clenches. He starts to remember how nice Luke is, how good he is with the children. They're happy, and they would fare better without someone that is a walking target.

"I'm a bounty hunter, and possibly king. I will only attract trouble for them. Plus...he's too good for me. He deserves someone that will treat him right," Din admits.

  The armorer is silent for a while, and this just makes Din feel worse.

"I cannot make this decision for you, but, if you need me to forge a signet, I will be here,"

  Din stills at the hidden implication in the armorer's words.

Din: I don't know what to do with my feelings with Luke Skywalker :(

Armorer: Just marry him lol

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