War Log #3: Underground Tradegy

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Great Britain, London: September 7, 1940

It was night time, everywhere I go, the streets are filled with thousands of civilians running for a place to hide and protect from the incoming bombing raids of the German Air Force. I cannot believe that they're dropping bombs and firing bullets at us.

I can see hundreds...

No, thousands of German planes, both bombers and fighters filled the skies firing and air raiding the town of London. My eyes widdened as I realized, London might not be the only city the Germans are air raiding, but other cities as well in Great Britain. My stomach begins to fell empty as I'm afraid  what will happen to my hometown, my parents, or even my friends back there.

But there's no time left!

I need to find shelter within the bombing of London by the Germans.

I can still hear screaming and the panic that caused by the people around me, I then arrived at the train station, which to my horror, it was damaged severely by the bombs they dropped, I looked around to find any survivors.

I remember that I studied a lot of military and health protocols as well as important things to do when something like this would happen. It is a sacrifice as no one might survive the impending threat and doom that rained down on our country. 

Remembering Harold Young Bastion was arriving at the train station, I ran to the tracks as I can see the train beaking as they stopped near the destroyed station.

Train Driver: What on earth is going on?!

Mr. Valluard: Germans have air raided the town of London!

Train Fireman: Goodness me! We have to go now!

Mr. Valluard: Is everyone alright at the coaches?!

Train Guard: Lucky that no one was hurt, but we need to get out of here! 

I then looked at the skies, I then saw a fighter plane coming right at us with bullets firing.

Mr. Valluard: GO NOW! 

They started steam as the train began to move backwards with the screaming of the passengers hearing a barrage of explosions around them. The German plane chased after us before a squadron of bombers began dropping more  bombs.

I looked at the map that I carried, I remembered that there was a station near this line. I looked at it, it was Liverpool Street.

I decided to tell them about taking a stop at the nearest station before it's too late for us all.

Mr. Valluard: Can this train take an emergency stop at Liverpool Street?

Train Driver: The London Underground Station?

Mr. Valluard: Yes! 

Train Fireman: You got it Mr...

Mr. Valluard: Mr. Valluard! We have to go to the London Underground line! That is the only safest shelter we have to send the the train to safety along with its passengers!

Train Driver: Don't worry! The nearest station has a secret rail line that could lead to the Underground Rail Line!

Train Driver: Fireman! Load the the steamy with all coal! We have passengers onboard and we are not risking losing one or more souls onboard!

Train Fireman: Yes Driver!

The Fireman put a lot of coal in the engine's boiler with the remaining water left, the train sped backwards as German plane fighters began firing at us. The Train Guard with the conductor are telling the passengers to take cover from the bullets that then cracked the windows and gunshots filled the coaches.

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