Chapter 8: The Land of Eagles

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Date: August 2, 1941

Location: New York City Harbor, Eagle Union

Objective: Observation Duty

2 months have passed ever since the Eagle Union fleet had interrogate the two anomalies to which they're identified as "Large Cruisers" a new type of ship that exists in other factions such as the Royal Navy, Iron Blood, and Sakura Empire

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2 months have passed ever since the Eagle Union fleet had interrogate the two anomalies to which they're identified as "Large Cruisers" a new type of ship that exists in other factions such as the Royal Navy, Iron Blood, and Sakura Empire. They asked them several questions on their type of ship and other information about them.

However, the interrogation went to a different direction when Baltimore told them the truth of the war in 1930, the whole reason on why men aren't allowed in the vicinity of all factions.

This ended with the two outraged by this. The men that caused this has tainted every men that have a good heart and sense of bein gentlemen towards the opposite gender. 

The interrogation ended with the fleet surprised that the two men did not act like the men they faced back in 1930. This leaves them the question, will they be allowed to roam in the main base of Eagle Union in New York City?

After some evidence and testimony from Anchorage, who was friends with the two anomalies, the higher ups of Eagle Union decided to give them a chance. This is due to Eagle Union ships and Royal Navy ships conversing secretly about "shipboys" on their navy bases.

In July 21, 1941, both male anomalies are moved to the New York City Harbor Dorm facility, this is for further observation along the way.

Then, on August 1, Baltimore came to the dorm facility to announce the two anomalies.


NYC Harbor, Eagle Union, August 1, 1941

Baltimore: Wake up you two.

Alaska: What is it Baltimore?

Guam: Got something new about the current operations?

Baltimore: Although, I would say it's classified information, but considering your identification as part of our faction... here's the situation.

Baltimore: Our fleet has detected an incoming Siren attack at our Canal Stronghold.

Alaska: The Panama Canal?

Baltimore: What is was onced formerly named as...

Baltimore: But, you two get the picture. Eagle Union has sent a fleet to defend it against the incoming Siren attack.

Baltimore: This operation is highly important as the Canal is the only way for our ships within the Azur Lane alliance to enter two oceans, from the Atlantic to the Pacific.

Baltimore: Most of our valuable ships are stationed at Archieo Harbor, a chain of islands under Eagle Union to secure their presence in the Pacific against Sakura Empire.

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