Chapter 6: A Familiar World

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Date: June 3, 1941

Location: New Port City Harbor, Eagle Union

Objective: Interrogation

When the fleet returned to New York City Harbor, the two large cruisers are docked in an interrogation dorm facility where the two men are held

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When the fleet returned to New York City Harbor, the two large cruisers are docked in an interrogation dorm facility where the two men are held. The two large cruisers are taken custody by the little chickens and are excused to be "experimental" mass-produced battleships for further operations against the Sirens to keep the identity of the two ships.

The fleet that discovered the two men, Baltimore, Memphis, Honolulu, Helena, and Anchorage are in charge of interrogating them to not spread their presence as they're wary of such technology that humanity has.

Honolulu accidentally invited her sister, St. Louis to join the interrogation as she was curious about the two men which Honolulu spilled in New York.

The dorm facility was located in New Port City Harbor as the little chickens are doing inspections on both of their technology. Though both of the men are are identified as U.S.S. there is no way they're part of Eagle Union as they have no records of their service or existence as a matter of fact.

The two men slept in one room, watching the ruckus happening outside. They watched and listen to the women who are talking about the success of the merchant fleet's arrival to port. 

Baltimore: Langley reported to us that the entire fleet has been safely docked.

Memphis: All thanks to us!

Anchorage: *Ahem* And the two men.

Honolulu: Yeah, yeah, Anchorage.

Helena: Speaking of which, Memphis? I thought you were preparing for a meeting?

Memphis: Among other things... I've got goods to relocate, strategic documents to draft, and messages to relay... Basically, up to my neck in paperwork.

Memphis: But I was called to take surveillance on our new friends  as we did meet them first.

Helena: That seems... a lot of work.

Memphis: Don't worry, Langley changed the workload to one of our aircraft carriers, so that means, I don't get to feel the stressful work.

Baltimore: Our main objective for this operation is our interrogation with the two men, just as we told them.

Honolulu: Torture would be a good thing.

Anchorage: Ew!

Anchorage hits Honolulu's shoulder, hurting her in the process.

Honolulu: Ow! That hurt!

Anchorage: And I am offended!

Her childish tone changes immediately considering that she has both this world's personality and the other personality being her former self.

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