Chapter 7: The Vanguard Duel

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Date: August 24, 1941

Location: Scapa Flow, Royal Navy

Objective: Battle against Vanguard

Objective: Battle against Vanguard

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It's been a month ever since H.M.S. Vanguard had awoken from his slumber due to the huge and deep wound he sustained in the Battle of the Denmark Strait. Vanguard has awoken to an almost familiar world, being medicated in a navy hospital in Portsmouth Harbor, which has some huge differences to the Portsmouth Harbor he onced docked on.

Walking around the harbor brings back memories, at the same time, he does some stealth mode action because he does not want to gain attention to the other girls on the harbor. He remembers that in his former home, both men and women come to the harbor to welcome the sailors that fought and won the battle at sea. But here, it seems that it was populated by, only women.

Along the way, he found his ship, docked, being repaired, and inspected by some little chickens, after that, he gets a new set of clothes before an event was taken place on the harbor based on two familiar figures.

However, on that evening, the event was cancelled due to the current conditions of Hood's health and the "disappearance" of Vanguard at the hospital.

Vanguard followed them to which led him to Portsmouth Castle, a huge stronghold base of operations for both land and sea. But based on the decorations and medals that are focused on naval battles, the castle has now been run by the Royal Navy.

There, he met HMS Monarch, a rejected battleship design of the King George V-class battleships. She has held a grudge towards the class and the Royal Navy for discarding and abandoning her as her characteristics are powerful and can be of use to the Royal Navy's future warfare. Vanguard shares some similarities to the Lion-class to which lightens Monarch's mood.

As Monarch shows Vanguard the way to the Council Hall, Monarch enjoys her time speaking to Vanguard, surprisingly.

When the two arrived at the council hall, Vanguard made himself known before the high leaders of the Royal Navy. Seeing more familiar faces and some... weird ones.

Unlike Guam and Anchorage, in Vanguard's case, Howe seems to be a stranger to him. But Vanguard knew that this is an alternate world, to which her memories are different from the Howe he once used to know from their service and their final scrapping together.

After he introduced himself as H.M.S. Vanguard (PN-23), all of the girls are confused and shocked by the name itself, "Vanguard". That is, because among them was another battleship, that has gone by the name HMS Vanguard.

H.M.S. Vanguard met a female version of himself.

Vanguard thought of the similarities between him and her, she did introduced herself as one of the Queen's Royal Palace guards which is one point of difference because Vanguard himself was in a higher status, a prince. She also say that her ship is nearly identical to male Vanguard. This confuses him as the arguments began to roll in between the two Vanguards.

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