U.S.S. ALASKA: The Last Chips to Gamble

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Knik Arm River, Alaska - October 16, 1962

Alaska: ... ... ...

Alaska: ... ... ...

Alaska: ... ... ...

Alaska: *Wakes up*

Alaska: Oh wow! Finally, back at my hometown of Alaska!

Alaska then looks around noticing some differences of the state of Alaska compared to the alternate version of the said state.

He then looks at the large pole with the Alaska flag waving alongside the United States flag, remembering that back then during the war, the stars on the flag are 48 stars. Counting to make sure, he was right, there was an additional of 2 stars meaning that 2 nations have become official states to the United States. Alaska and Hawaii are his speculations of the alliance, considering this was during the time he was still in service. The buildings are bit technological from the 1950s era of the United States, but not technologically advanced as what the alternate Alaska is, being a powerhouse and a superpower of a resistance alliance. (*Insert Wattpad error, large space of nothing, seen in preview and published, but not when writing*)

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