Chapter 3: The Hood Apparition

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Date: May 24, 1941

Location: Denmark Strait, Atlantic Ocean

Objective: Intercept Iron Blood

On the other side of the world, the new war had already begun. In the once continent of Europe, the dark faction known as Iron Blood has spread throughout the continent. Its naval technology has been increased to which worries the former allies of the war before. When news of their quest and ideology in using Siren technology, the former alliance immediately disagrees.

This caused a new tension that twisted the alliance, turning them against each other. Iron Blood has made an alliance to Sakura Empire in 1940 after the Empire has taken interest in using Siren technology to help in the war effort. 

Whilst they are in an alliance, they have seperate enemies. For Iron Blood's case, it was their island neighbor, the island faction of the Royal Navy.

With Iron Blood catching up, the Royal Navy has all their forces focused on stopping Iron Blood from continuing the flow of their resources in the Atlantic Ocean.

This is where two factions have become enemies after one left the alliance to seek expertise and research in Siren Technology.

On a cold and near foggy afternoon, on the Denmark Strait, two heavy cruisers were doing an ocean-area check to find information about Iron Blood, maybe using the strait as a strategic point of resources and data.


Territorial Check - Checking Territorial Waters around the faction

Ocean-area Check - Checking Areas in the Ocean


Suffolk: Intelligence reports that Ironblood's newest battleships are set to sail through this area.

Suffolk: Intelligence reports that Ironblood's newest battleships are set to sail through this area

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Suffolk: If we surprise them here, the Queen will surely reward us upon our return!

The other one however feels uneasy as heavy cruisers are different to battleships.

Norfolk: *Sobs* Battleships? 

Norfolk: *Sobs* Battleships? 

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