War Log #14: Recruits -> Admirals

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Pacific Ocean, August 8, 1942

It was a silent afternoon for Alaskio, that is because he was sleeping peacefully in his bed alone, having to successfully get into the navy back in July, just as what the Captain told them earlier.

He recollects the events that happened before today before he fall asleep to take a long rest. Back in May after their conversation with the Captain, they continued with their training, many of the men began to ask the headmaster to add breaks since its unfair for recruited men to have no breaks while the sailors can have breaks.

Backtrack: Oahu Pearl Academy, May 27, 1942

The headmaster explains to them that their trial as recruitments will be changed, instead of January 1943, it will be just on July, 2 months left.

The men are in shock and then filled with interest and curiosity.

The headmaster explained to them that going for a one-year long term will be time-eating as American victory happened on Coral Sea, with the USS Illinois' success in "accidentally-shooting" the enemy carriers which are soon to be identified as Shoukaku and Shoho. With a victory like that, the recruited men are needed because the US Navy had told them about the incoming new ships.

From what the headmaster told them, there will be new destroyers, cruisers, and aircraft carriers coming to the navy, so it needs more new sailors to go onboard these new ships to help in taking the tide of the war.

The men are happy that the term will be ending at 2 months, however the headmaster told them about the conditions at the end of the term.

The conditions are;

"If the grades on the final test of July 19 are in high expectations, they will be chosen to join the branches of navy."

"However, those who are low, they will be given a job here in the naval base, or just to be on cleaning duty."

"So to explain the conditions in a short explanation, the test has different stages, so it will be judged by the sailors, other officers, and the admirals, so if they see high expectations from the said men, they'll be sent to be officially join the navy, and for those of the low will be sent on special jobs."

All of the men began to sweat in fear because their actions, personalities, and their tactics will be recorded by experts such as the higher rank officers. And they will be judged by them based on what they've seen on them.

So after that huge announcement to the recruits, they began to start focusing on impressing and going through harsh training inorder to be accepted rather than to be joined in the "special jobs". Both Alaskio and Guamo are the only men who both Admiral Anchora and Captain Lexiare saw their potential, having high expectations for them to join the navy.

Backtrack: Oahu Pearl Academy, June 7, 1942

Along the way, on June 7, 1942 a huge announcement was announced in the entirety of the naval base.

"The Japanese have retreated! The Operation on the Battle of Midway was a huge victory! All our ships are sailing back, not even one sinking! Let us cheer and celebrate the arrival of our proud American fleet!"

All of the men ran to the naval base in excited and hysteria, others shock by the massive victory of the US Fleet that destroyed the Japanese fleet attempting to conquer the island of Midway. Much to the reports of an ongoing war against the Japanese in the Alaska territory, specifically the invasion of the Aleutian Islands.

While some of the men ran to meet the ships and its crew who made a great victory for America, the other men, which included Alaskio and Guamo went to the radio to listen about the news on the Japanese occupying the islands of Attu and Kiska.

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