War Log #10: The Birth of a Musician

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Early Morning of May 27th 1941, 05:30

An hour ago, the battleship that was sailing southeast heading towards the Bismarck, Mr. Valluard ordered to fire two of their turrets for testing it's firepower.

He shouted fire as the crew then fired it's turrets for the first time. They watched the shells of the battleship flying to the early morning sky. They however didn't know that their first 4 shells made contact with the Bismarck.

The Bismarck and the battleship are 45,000 yd (41,148 m) away on each other.

However, they soon got radio transmission from the destroyer flotilla a couple of hours ago.

Mr. Valluard: I heard that the destroyer flotilla are deolpying torpedoes to the Bismarck?

Harold: Our Com. Officer has found signal from the HMS Cossack, they just recorded to have launch all rounds of torpedoes, one was scored amidship. However the Bismarck destroyed the Solent with just one blink and an explosion.

Mr. Valluard: And is there anything left?

Harold: We are currently shadowing the ship.

Mr. Valluard: I see.

As all the other rear admirals and captains are discussing the location off the Bismarck, followed by the destroyer flotilla. They then put their current location as still going southeast, going to the course of the Bismarck's damaged course on her rudder.

Mr. Valluard: Harold, come here.

Harold: Yes sir?

Both teacher and student then went to a private teaching room to have a private talk about the current events that are happening.

At the teaching room,

Mr. Valluard: So, got that?

Harold: Yes Mr. Valluard.

Mr. Valluard: It's been like 1 or 2 weeks or so. Ever since I was dragged here.

Harold: To be honest, I didn't expect to be part of the Royal Navy, which was out of the blue for me at first.

Mr. Valluard: I might as well ever since reading that letter. Surprising to say the least upon seeing your sister.

Harold: Really? She was the Admiral of the HMS Howe! 

Mr. Valluard: The sister ship to HMS Prince of Wales I suppose?

Harold: You got that right! She was a diligent leader when it comes to leading the battleship.

Mr. Valluard: Had she lead the ship?

Harold: No, just now, her ship was now at Portsmouth.

Mr. Valluard: So what's her former ship?

Harold: I think it's HMS Edinburgh. Kind off a coincidence to be honest.

Mr. Valluard: Both the Edinburgh and Belfast are both light cruisers, on the same class as well, I would be surprised if we had gone down the path to her as well.

Mr. Valluard: I wonder, why does Ms. Howia Elissa Bastion seems so interested with me and my new missions with the Royal Navy as a newly recruited one? Surely it's because I saved you back at the Blitz, but there's no need in repayment.

Harold: Maybe, she gots the pickups on you? :)

Mr. Valluard: What kind of word is that?

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