Alt. Peace Log #2: Corrected Technologies

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United States of America - Higuraishi Administration - 1983 to 1986

A few years before Pres. Alaskio's Administration ends, he did few major changes. The United Nations Organization is one of them which included the ambitious United Nations Complex in Colorado, but there are other changes he made to made the world a better place.

In his reign as President, he visited the Lackawanna Mines to oversee the ongoing research of the Die Nebenwelt. Back in 1972, the project have discovered 6 worlds to which with different experiences, accounts, technologies, and events in their history. 

The President told them that the Die Nebenwelt project will be demolished and ended on the end of his term to which would be in 1986.

In 1985, one year before the year of Alaskio's final term, the Die Nebenwelt project has successfully managed to breach through around 378 possible worlds, a huge surge of research as many scientists have believed that their research won't end as the concept of the multiverse could be endless as there are many possibilities of choices. 

When the President arrived, the scientists have explained that their research ends with the success of getting 378 possible worlds. They concluded that several universes and worlds could be out there with different events in human history changed. 

They also told the President about Hawthorne Abensden and the last members of the Resistance groups by Wyatt Price and Juliana Crane to which the Die Nebenwelt had spewed an entire army about 10,000 people from different worlds, the scientists took an interview to each before heading out to the new world. They have counted 564 worlds in about 2 to 5 people that came out of the machine.

As listed:

378 Worlds - Were discovered and studied by the R.U.S.A.

564 Worlds - Accounts to the 10,000 Travelers.

A few days after the incident, all 10,000 Travelers returned to their respective worlds.

The multiverse is a real thing but it is best to study them rather to conquer it. The President was satisfied with the data gathered, but remembering its threat in the future, he decides to end the quantum research at an early date.

Pres. Alaskio: End the research.

R.U.S.A. Scientist: Right now? At an early date?

Pres. Alaskio: Yes. Since your research is done, it is better to now keep it hidden.

Pres. Alaskio: I'll order explosives to demolish the entire site.

R.U.S.A. Scientist: I see.

R.U.S.A. Scientist: We'll begin packing up our things and other things here.

Pres. Alaskio: Okay.

On May 12, 1985, President Alaskio ordered the demolishing of Die Nebenwelt, keeping the secrets of the multiverse hidden from future administrations that would try to use it for their own gain like the Nazis did.

With the launching of bombs on the Lackawanna Mines Testing site, the mines and former Nazi facility was demolished completely, with the Die Nebenwelt demolished by thousands of bombs. The rooms filled with experimental devices are left behind as they will be crushed by the falling debris from the explosion.

Within a few hours, the Lackawanna Mines was completely destroyed, with nature taking over the once Nazi facility. Forming a new mountain to the former mines.

When the President and his wife sees the former Nazi facility now under nature's control, they all sighed and say that it is for the better good.

While the Die Nebenwelt Research is still ongoing, 3 years ago...

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