War Log #6: The Straits of Den

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North Sea, May 24, 1941

A few days later ever since meeting Ms. Howia Elissa Bastion, we the newly scouted men are given a task to join an important operation. Ordered by Ms. Elissa Bastion, which was something that was out of the blue.

We men are unprepared for this operation as we took our places given by Ms. Howia, she told us that all of us 761 will took part in the operation, including her own younger brother, who was excited by the operation.

For me, it was an honor to become part of it, however I think it was too sudden because becoming part of the navy is very difficult, considering both tests in leadership, teamwork, and coordination between both men onboard the ship.

A few hours ago, Portsmouth Naval Base/Portsmouth Royal Dockyard

Ad. Howia: Everyone! Stand in position!

All men stand up by the orders of Admiral Howia Elissa Bastion, they all stand and in silence listen of her orders. I however looked around, gathering any information on what is going on here. Harold Young Bastion is following his older sister's orders, to which I can see some of the men a bit confused and curious on what is going on.

I then looked at Admiral Howia Elissa Bastion, before she began to speak.

Ad. Howia: Everyone, our telegram communications have sent us a report from two heavy cruisers.

Ad. Howia: From reports given by HMS Suffolk and HMS Norfolk, during their convoy operations of the supplies given by the United States to Britain, they have encountered a threat by the Germans.

Ad. Howia: They have sighted a German Battleship and Heavy Cruiser right at their radar and their view, the coordinates are given.

Ad. Howia: This was also solidify the presence of German ships through the Swedish cruiser HSwMS Gotland back in May 20 which was passing through the Baltic Sea.

Ad. Howia: Thanks to Gotland's report, we have despatched our available vessels to check out the Denmark Strait, which are both HMS Suffolk and HMS Norfolk. They have reported us their sightings upon protecting both the incoming convoy and the Denmark Strait.

All of the men around are whispering and worried for what's to come when this happened, Admiral Howia Elissa Bastion silenced all of us before continuing her orders.

Ad. Howia: Today, we shall interfere with the Germans, we must not let the Germans took over our ocean as it may lead to our downfall, both the Queen and the Kingdom!

Ad. Howia: So, we have sent two ships, the HMS Prince Of Wales and HMS Hood. But two are not enough for this operation. We have sent them in early before, but we need to accompany them during the operation.

Ad. Howia: So with all of you here, you are sent to your first operation in our available Town-class light cruiser.

Admiral Howia Elissa Bastion then pointed out the ship. True, it was a light cruiser, based on the turrets I saw, but I didn't yet seen the full view of the ship. But it was a Town-class light cruiser, I thought that it would be a destroyer for us newly recruited men, but instead skipped.

Mr. Valluard: Admiral Howia Elissa Bastion?

Ad. Howia: Yes Mr. Valluard? 

Mr. Valluard: What's the name of the ship?

Ad. Howia: For all of you, the new recruitments are to lead the HMS Belfast.

HMS Belfast, oh dear, this is an instant operation for us all.

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