Chapter 4: An "Unbroken" Promise

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Date: May 24, 1941

Location: Atlantic Ocean

Objective: Go to New York Harbor

In the Atlantic Ocean, the two large cruisers, USS Alaska and USS Guam have seperated their ways from their escape with HMS Vanguard from Sakura Empire. Whilst Vanguard moves north, heading towards the European continent, both brothers decide to head west, on for the Americas, specifically, in New York City.

Both brothers are in between excited and cautious as what happened to their first taste of alternate reality when they ended up in a Japanese occupied United States in the West Coast. They're excited to see their home nation, but they have to make sure that it isn't run by the enemy.

They all believed that they might have traveled again to another world after they got caught in the storm. However, seeing familiar faces isn't the only evidence that supports their claim, so they need to find information on their home bases to solidify their belief.

Guam: Man that was an eventful day wasn't it?

Alaska: Indeed, we are nearly going to be interrogated for information from our nations.

Guam: Lucky you distracted them, I have ordered my ship to fire at the hospital to make our stylish escape!

Alaska: In exchange for burning some Sakura trees and traditional Japanese buildings.

Guam: Ayyy... Yeah... That one as well. Haha.

Alaska: You say that New York will be our base of information to find out if we did traveled to another reality?

Guam: Yes, since based on our former home and in alternate Alaska, you could tell that they're technologically advanced-ly different. My hunch is that Alaska in this world is not like the two, but just a small city.

Alaska: You may have a point.

Alaska: In the alternate world, New York has been the capital under the G.A.N.R. before President Alaskio liberated the entire United States, making New York a hotspot for data gathering and research of Nazi technology.

Alaska: Same as in our former home, New York was a bustling city with tons of information and data that are kept secret from the public. However, it is not the capital, which is better.

Guam: You're right.

Guam then looks at his new horns tapping it to check if it was actual horns that are attached to his head after the storm.

Alaska: Getting used to it now brother?

Guam: Urm... I... I think so. 

Guam: Damn, that storm really decided to make me a demon with these horns on my head.

Guam: Along with the green streaks of hair, do I look intimidating with this?

Alaska: I mean, you have sharp teeth, so... I guess it's a win-win for you?

Guam: My skull is getting comfortable with it at least.

As night falls around them, the two large cruisers sailed through the Atlantic, nearly heading on course with the RMS Titanic, however, it reminded them both something of the past.

Alaska: Oh look... icebergs...

Guam: What a horrible night that is.

Guam: Even after so many years, that is still engraved in our minds.

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