Alternate Log #3: The Vengeant Escape

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Abandoned Apartment in San Fransokyo,

A few days later, Alaska and Guam seek refuge in an abandoned apartment near the Bus Terminal that would bring them to their return destination. Along with them are Laura Crothers and her two kids who are sleeping peacefully. 

The two are cooking breakfast using a makeshift stove with any available food they can buy at the Japanese shops. They barely escaped any Japanese soldiers or even the Kempei Tai. Considering that they're also part of the escape, they now believe that the Japanese are now looking for them.

Alaska and Guam helped Laura Crothers and her two children everyday, keeping them inside to make sure the Japanese won't find them.

As for both Alaska and Guam themselves, they're in a seperate room, talking about their confusion and disbeliefs on why the Japanese has taken control of San Francisco and changed it to San Fransokyo. Then the same when they're at the Kempei Tai building, upon remembering the witness testimonies the victims of the Kempei Tai back when China and Southeast Asia was occupied by the Japanese, they felt a sensation of anger.

When they're nearly gassed by the poisonous gas, they felt something, as if the many souls of those who died in that room echoed, warning them about the gas.

It was by luck that Alaska told Guam to hide from one of the rooms and then take a look around the said hallway. To which he discovered the Zyklon D and the valve is open, meaning that some small volume of that gas has entered the room.

This made them angry by this as they now think of the other Asian lives in Southeast Asia or even in China, if the Empire of Japan still exists, then that means, more innocent lives were taken away by the ideology and greed of the power the Japanese has upon their enemies.

Both of them then discussed what are they going to do next.

Frank's Basement, after Arrest of the Kempei Tai

Frank at that time didn't know about Alaska and Guam rescuing his sister and her two kids, so he was only given that his sister and her two kids were killed by the poisonous gas that Chief Inspector Kido told him about during harsh interrogation.

Frank wakes up in his basement by Ed, visiting after what happened yesterday. 

Ed: Hope I didn't scare you.

Frank Frink: No.

He then sits down, depressed upon the fact that his sister and her two kids were now gone.

Ed: Are you okay?

Frank Frink: Yeah.

Ed: Your door was open. Then I saw this on your door step.

Ed then gave the envelope to Frank. He then read the contents of the letter, it then reveals the letter from the Kempei Tai who just asked him to come and see their dead bodies before they're sent to a funeral. Shocked by this, Frank decides to see for himself.

The Morgue Assistant then showed him the dead bodies, covered in long blankets and carried by wheel-carts heading for the process of taking out the bodies.

He then showed the dead body of Laura Crothers and the two kids.

Morgue As. : You confirm these bodies of Laura Frink Crothers,

Morgue As. : Emily Alice Crothers, and John Thomas Crothers?

Morgue As. : Sign here, Mr. Frink.

Frank was shocked and traumatized by this, he then cries upon the Morgue Assistant giving the paper to sign as confirmation. 

He then looks at the assistant before he then signs the papers.

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