Epilogue: Reunification of Brothers

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Date: October 21, 1945

Location: Wake Island, Pacific Ocean

Objective: Scout the Pacific Ocean

A year has passed ever since Operation Siren II, the facilities that were damaged on Wake Island and New York Harbor are about 82% completely repaired thanks to the Manjuus, several reports of Crimson Axis activity in the European continent lessen...

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A year has passed ever since Operation Siren II, the facilities that were damaged on Wake Island and New York Harbor are about 82% completely repaired thanks to the Manjuus, several reports of Crimson Axis activity in the European continent lessens more, and the Sirens now on the falling action after their climax.

Whilst Crimson Axis in the European continent have little to no activity nor presence, the only faction that is still on high activity, was Sakura Empire, who seems to be more used in allying themselves to the Sirens rather than the entire Crimson Axis itself.

The three men have listed down some information along the way of understanding the entire world of Azur Lane. A board of information and clues are pinned and lined down like what they see in detective or crime dramas when piecing together the evidence.

So far, they have a little understanding to the origins of both Kansens and Sirens, how they're based on existing ships in both WW1 and WW2. A multiverse theory, the human race, the war of 1930, and the mysterious watchers based on the recorded conversation they found in the radiophone they found in that alternate world.

They also found out that it is highly possible that the two male battleships are their former brothers in the 2nd World War, USS Missouri and USS Illinois. They also theorized that possibly, other US Navy ships, either survived the scrapping or the latter may have been sent here. As evidence from USS Anchorage.

While this is going on, some Eagle Union ships are doing some scouting rounds, some even launching reconnaissance planes to check out possible enemies, both Siren and Crimson Axis activity.

As the scout fleet consisting of Georgia, Bataan, Bunker Hill, and Seattle was near the middle line of the Pacific, they've made contact with a small fleet of Siren ships and aircraft heading towards them.

They avoided engaging a naval battle, so they launched squadrons of torpedo, bombers, and fighters against the small Siren fleet. Their planes released their bullets and load against the Siren fleet, sinking all of them in the process, but lose 18 planes in the process. However, some planes left the squadron fleet due to something in their radars. Bataan, with the help of Guam's modifications of radar technology, manages to see where are the planes heading.

Several huge dots were pinged in Bataan's modified radar. To the shock of her findings, she reported it to the other girls. To much of their horror, their planes have made contact with a huge Siren fleet, but possibly the Main Siren Fleet. In it were all of its strongest forces sailing in formation and heading east.

Along the fleet of Siren ships, was a huge ship, one that stands against the largest existing battleship in existence. 

Ever since it was reported after the Cloak and Dagger espionage and from their prisoners of war from Sakura Empire, the ship that goes by the name, Orochi is said to be one of the most powerful ships that the Sirens have ever built. Due to its location within Sakura Empire, it was considered an entire betrayal to which the likes of those in the European Continent couldn't believe.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2023 ⏰

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