War Log #16: Santa Cruz Islands

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Pearl Harbor, September 3, 1942

A week have passed after the tactical victory at Guadacanal or the Eastern Solomons. The two large cruisers are ordered by the Admiralty to return back to base. In specific, the Admiralty ordered the USS Alaska to return back to Pearl Harbor while the USS Guam will be guarding the Henderson Field.

Ad. Alaskio with Capt. Lexiare agreed as they ordered their ship to sail back to Pearl Harbor with 2 destroyer escorts.

The trip to return to Pearl Harbor was easy, since there are no reported Japanese ships on radar and on scout planes. They returned with no interruptions and no enemies spotted.

Everyone left their ships as they went on to have their breaks on the naval base. Admiral Alaskio was left behind watching as Captain Lexiare waves at him before smiling.

As Ad. Alaskio was about to be standing in silence, looking at the base around him...

Ad. Missouro: Admiral Alaskio!

He was interrupted by his sudden arrival of his best friend.

Ad. Alaskio: Ah, Admiral Missouro.

He waved back at him.

Ad. Missouro: It seems you've returned from Guadacanal.

Ad. Alaskio: Yes, I was ordered to go here while my brother is guarding the air base.

Ad. Missouro: I see.

Ad. Missouro: And the ship?

Ad. Alaskio: The USS Alaska was a good ship for us, especially since all of the men from Alaska are stationed here along with me.

Ad. Alaskio: The same can be said to the USS Guam, even though it was a different state or island, the crew and my brother Admiral Guamo have their positions.

Ad. Missouro: Well at least you and your crew are happy at the ship the navy has chosen you.

Ad. Alaskio: Yes, surely a delighted gift given by the US Navy upon our approval after being recruited back in Alaska.

Ad. Missouro: True.

Ad. Alaskio: Speaking of ships and crew, Admiral Missouro.

Ad. Missouro: Hm? What is it?

Ad. Alaskio: How did you become an Admiral of a battleship this huge, the one who saved the Yorktown and Hammann?

Ad. Missouro: You mean the Missouri?

Ad. Missouro: I see...

Ad. Missouro understands Ad. Alaskio's question, how did he ever become an Admiral of such a huge battleship that had sunk many enemy ships in the Battle of Midway. Still deep in his mind, was the burning flame of rage, still having the same dream, with him and his friend Admiral Illiohem hugging the crying Arizona.

Ever since the tradegy that was on December 7th 1941, he and Illiohem are one of the survivors of the USS Arizona. Seeing her exploded had made a scar on Missouro's mind and heart, he was filled with rage and revenge soon grow on his heart.

With the many losses of the attack, the survivors are in shock, horror, sad, and angry by what the Japanese had done to the United States of America.

Both Missouro (Sailor #035) and Illiohem (Sailor #075) are filled with rage and revenge, even having a reunion with their brothers, they wanted to make the Japanese pay for what they've done to their American friends.

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