Alternate War Log #1: The Preparations Before Jahr

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America-Canada Border Checkpoint - New York - November 1-5 1962

Through the streets and highways of New York, within the territory of the Greater American Nazi Reich, 5 Black Nazi Police Cars were ringing their sirens throughout the city of New York as they're chasing after what seems to be, a car.

But that car, was different among the rest. A non-existent car to which was a Mercury S-55 was driving at high speeds. The driver in question?

The driver, was USS Alaska, the human embodiment of the ship his name was originally from. He just got out of his travel in the alternate world or his original home. Inside  the car, it was filled with important documents containing blueprints, tactics, and documents from former Military leads in his original world thanks to his former Admiral.

However, the car has added another load. It is not just the important documents, there seems to be someone else at the Passenger seat.

It was an injured Thomas Smith the eldest son of Obergruppenfuhrer John Smith and Helen Smith.

Just before he would be sent to his fate, having illness which is by means defective to the Reich, the ambulance and the Mercury S-55 crashed. The ambulance's front was badly damaged while the Mercury S-55 sustained light damages to the front. Alaska got out and took him, to which by some witnesses, it is a Resistance kidnapping. They called the Nazi Police to which became a high speed chase , just like the Nazi Police Drama series.

However, since Alaska knew what the Nazis are going to do with Thomas Smith, he remembers what also happened to him, Guam, and the Crothers family back in San Fransokyo.

When he and Guam saved the Crothers from their demise, looking at an injured Thomas Smith, he decides to save him. Determined to treat the injured son and to deliver all American intelligence to his comrades at the state of Alaska and the R.U.S.A., he revved up his engines and pushes his car to the speed limit.

Due to the advanced machinery of the Mercury S-55, only luck was given to the Nazi police cars to ever crash the car to stop the escaping kidnapper.

They then drove through the many highways and bridges through the north of New York, the skyline begins to disappear. Alaska makes sure to juked every nazi police car chasing behind him. He remembers that one of the America-Canada border checkpoints are at the north part of New York.

He checks his fuel, realizing that its decreasing rapidly, meaning that only luck would be needed to reach the Canadian Border to stop the Nazis from entering further. Based on what Gov. Alaskio told him, if Nazis passed through the border, they'll be arrested, interrogated and executed immediately. The car was just a few kilometers away from the checkpoint, Alaska closed his eyes as he shouts.


He said, pushing his car to harsh speeds as the machinery inside began to burn because of the heat.

The Nazi police cars tried their best to reach the car, but it was no use, that is until they realized that they're speeding through, the America-Canada Border.

At the checkpoint,

Several Canadian and British soldiers guard the checkpoint with concrete walls and bunkers just in case for a Nazi invasion. They had it when they hacked through the Nazi codes in Berlin as well as through the R.U.S.A. Knowing that an invasion would come, they upgraded their defenses through the entire border between the D.U.S.A. and Canada.

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