Alternate War Log #3: The Flames of Liberation Begins

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Through the Previous Years,

A lot of events has changed in 1962 ever since the resistance nations rose to power and prioritizes their goal to liberate the world from the control of the Axis Powers, the Third Reich and the Japanese Empire. And many changes have happened when three ships from an alternate world came to this reality, where the Allies lost the 2nd World War.

August 21, 1962 - Where Our Story Begins

-Around the middle-months of the year 1962, the Resistance are rapidly supplying themselves against the Nazis and Japanese. Most members were stationed in the Neutral Zone, unaware that they're under a major resistance nation.

-This is where the first sighting of U.S.S. Alaska, U.S.S. Guam, and H.M.S. Vanguard came into Panama Canal where they would soon realize, that they aren't home, but in an alternate reality where the Allies lost the War.

September 8-9, 1962 - The Assassinations of the Crown Prince and Oswald Mosley

-In the Japanese Pacific States, when Alaska, Guam, and the Crothers family are sent to the Kempeitai Building to be executed by gassing them, Alaska and Guam realized what is going on, so they took out the system and rescued the Crothers family from death.

-In return, Alaska and Guam came to one of the buildings to assassinate the Crow Prince as they knew what the Japanese had done when they won the war, the many innocent people that died on their occupied territories. The Crown Prince survived however.

-In the British Union side, the mainland of the former Great Britain was changed to the British Union after the success of the fascist group, the British Union of Fascists. When Vanguard found out the reality that he was entering Nazi territory he brutally kills the Nazi police.

-A few days on the 9th, he went to one of the buildings and successfully assassinated the British Union of Fascists leader, Oswald Mosley. After this he order his battleship to open fire on London against Nazi compound buildings.

September 9-10, 1962 - Their Vengeant Escape

-On Sept. 9, after the attempted assassination of the Crown Prince of Japan, Alaska and Guam took the Crothers family to the area that the Panama workers are talking about, the Alaskan harbor known as Anchorage Harbor.

-On Sept. 10, HMS Vanguard returns to Haulbowline Harbor in Ireland after his emotional breakdown of seeing the Nazis taking over Britain under the Mosley's sadistic organization. He become emotionless as he was sent to the hospital.

July 4, 1961-September1, 1962 - The Assault of South America

-The R.U.S.A. or the Resistance of the United States of America makes little movements against the Axis occupiers in South America. 

-Around this time, American and Brazilian forces attacked several South American states with Argentina their major threat as the nation is an ally to the Nazis.

October 4-24, 1962 - The Roman Empire's end to Nazi Alliance

-When the former Dictator Benito Mussolini passed away, his daughter took control of Italy's new empire, known as the New Roman Empire of the 3rd Roman Empire. She meets with other resistance nations, that being the British Resistance, Free French, and Russo-Chinese.

-Within these days, they militarized their weapons and technology as well as their secret, their secret being that they officially severed ties with the Reich, making Italy a neutral nation or an enemy to the Reich. 

October 9, 1962 - The Attempted Assassination of the Fuhrer Adolf Hitler

-Rudolph Wegener, under the orders of Obergruppenfuhrer Reinhard Heydrich and his co-conspirators to which they seem to want to kill the old Fuhrer for their own power and the world which is war against their ally, Japan.

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