Alternate War Log #5: The Anglo-American Retrievals

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The Entire World, from 1968 to 1970,

In the Divided United States, the Japanese Pacific States have officially disbanded upon the Emperor's speech of withdrawing Japanese occupation on the West Coast, sending all of them to focusing on the more threat in the mainland which is the SinoRus-Japanese War.

Following the withdrawal, many of the artifacts, documents, and everything are either to be returned to Japan and others burned, such as the nuclear weapons documents and other documents both from the Army, Navy, and the Kempeitai. This also follows the early evacuation of the Japanese people considering that the JPS was no longer under Japanese rule, several vigilantes came out to terrorize innocent Japanese people and sometimes, other high Japanese members.

The R.U.S.A. was stationed on their last territorial position, removing the former name, the "Neutral Zone" to the "R.U.S.A." as they begin to reinstate their liberated states.

Several Afro-American spies entered the city, ordered by Gov. Alaskio to know about the B.C.R. he knows that he might be an enemy to them. The Afro-American spies agreed as they entered San Fransokyo which was vandalized into the name "San Francisco".

The Japanese Withdrawal - Former J.P.S. - April 29, 1968

While the preparations are happening, at the once Japanese Embassy, the Japanese and the Nazis met for the official signing of the Japanese Withdrawal and disbandment of the Japanese Pacific States. The R.U.S.A. could try to shoot the Nazi jet plane passing by, but Gov. Alaskio ordered not to as the Nazis have a war within their own headquarters.

Ad. Inokuchi: We expect that our treaty with the Reich will be honored as we withdraw from this territory.

R. M. Smith: We have no plans to interfere.

R. M. Smith: Tell me Admiral, this new Negro government, will they be taking control of any part of the JPS's nuclear arsenal?

Ad. Inokuchi: The Empire does not recognize the Black Communist Rebellion. Our weapons will return to Japan. 

G. Bill Whitcroft: So the BCR has no alliance, no protectorate.

Ad. Inokuchi: The Empire is concerned only with the flow of oil. If the Reich can guarantee it at favorable prices, then what happens here after we are gone is of no concern to us.

R. M. Smith: I'm sure a price can be arranged.

Both agreed as they both signed the treaty, with Colonel Kido watching over with symbolistic thoughts of two empires.

"These two empires that we fight for, they are little more than sandcastles. Only the tides are forever."

-Colonel Kido

They both kept their former ally, the 3rd/New Roman Empire as their betrayal stunned Europe, turning it to an all-out 3rd Reich vs New Italy war on their borders.

Most extensive intelligence files have been destroyed to avoid the Nazis and the BCR as an opportunity.

Both Colonel Kido and Reichsmarschall John Smith are enemies, but they knew that they have come this far after what they did to stop a near full on nuclear war back in 1962. The Reichsmarschall gives the Colonel a handshake instead of a salute, surprising the Colonel.

Meanwhile, in the areas near San Francisco Bay and the former Nippon Building, hundreds to thousands came to register for their evacuation. Traffic ensues as its chaos with many Japanese people trying to run away from the vigilante attacks. Those who registered early took the boats in the bay where the final ships will depart in 72 hours. About 62 ships filled with Japanese civilians left up until April 29.

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