Prologue: ExpediTion

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Pearl Harbor, November 30, 2041

In the island chains of Hawaii, stands the American Navy Base known as Pearl Harbor. It was brutally attacked by the Japanese Empire following its occupation amidst the 2nd World War. Then during the Liberation War, R.U.S.A. forces brutally attacked the Japanese occupiers on the once lively American navy base, liberating the entire base in the process.

With the remaining remnants of the R.U.S.A. attack being the preserved IJN Taihou which was modernized at the end of WW2. Facing the former Imperial Japanese Aircraft Carrier, are the other ships from different navies around the world.

It seems that the most powerful ships that their respective navies have built are invited to a special event in Pearl Harbor, a somewhat large-scale RIMPAC event made by the United Nations as an annual event for all navies to play sports and have fun in the island chains of Hawaii. The RIMPAC events were officially agreed upon by the United Nations back in 2001. Whilst some ships are in the Liberation War era, some are modernized ships built in the 21st century.

Looking at the ships that came, with their nation flags alongside their navy flags, it seems they have arrived.

Every representative and team of each nation come on hard to each other, battling their skills in basketball, football, and soccer. Talks erupted between officials on all sides. History talks and on how the Liberation War has changed the entire world ever since as there has been no wars.

Some even talked about the latest improvements and discoveries since the 1st Generation of Space Technology.

In 2005, the International Space Station was sent to space, with the first ever recorded construction of a large space-craft in zero gravity. What followed was the space research on Mars and on the Moon.

In 2015, the first space colony in Mars was completed, marking the 2nd Generation of Space Technology. About 100 people, with 70 crew members and 30 civilians living in a large space base in Mars with artificial water and plants needed, that is the time when they discovered that Mars has no atmosphere, so it is a difficult task to make Mars a second "Earth".

In 2020, N.A.S.A. launched "Nowhere" the first ever light-speed built satellite to space, reaching the outside of the Milky Way by 2021, surpassing both Voyagers.

In 2028, N.A.S.A. launched the "Guardian" and "Guider" two improved light-speed built satellites to space, setting their courses on studying different galaxies outside of the Milky Way.

N.A.S.A. then officially planned that Voyager 1 and 2 will be focusing on picturing and gathering data within the Milky Way galaxy while the 3 newly invented light-speed satellites will research the cosmos outside the Milky Way.

While talk of the 2nd Generation of Space Technology continues, they walked around the navy base, looking at the preserved IJN Taihou which the Japanese representative smiles a bit, and others looking at their ships with the flag of their nations flowing on each pole from the harsh winds.

They then begin to exchange the subject, this time, its about the improvements of naval technology. Whilst some of the main nations of the United Nations still used Liberation War-era naval technology, most of the other nations both new and old had built far more powerful and advanced ships.

However, the concept of a laser turreted ship is still in research and development. Although they have slowly mastered light-speed, they aren't ready for inventing lasers as military use unlike the fictional adventures of George Lucas' Star Wars and other sci-fi films.

While some bragged on how their technology has become advanced, some share the topic of replacements. This is about the effect of having advanced weapons for warfare that seems to be inexistent in this era. Liberation War-era ships were replaced by more advanced and modern weapons, one class by one, they begin to disappear with only their surviving crew members and documents that would tell the tale of the fallen ship that fought in the most brutal and destructive battle in human history.

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