little mix

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Request by: Prachi_coonlic
(Thank you so much For The request!)

You were part of the little mix and your concert was about to start in 5 minutes.

Perry: We are gonna have an amazing concert!
Jade: let's go!!!

You guys ran to the stage. All the people cheered. Wide smile appeared on your face. You ran around the stage and waved at the fans. Fresh wind moved your hair. The concert was outside, on a stadium. The first song started and you moved your body to the rhythm of the music. You started singing and enjoyed every second of it. Your eyes wandered around the audience and saw a cute boy in the front row. He smiled at you. You blushed and smiled back at him. Weird first feeling.

After a few songs you had a water break.
You: i saw a really cute boy in the first row
Jessy: ooh!
Leigh-Anne: omg that's adorable!

You went back to the stage hoping you would see his face again. You started to sing the last songs. Perry, Jade and Jessy all came closer to you and pointed at the guy you were staring at. You pushed their hands away and laughed. The boy laughed after seeing what happened. The last song was almost over.

Vinnies pov:

Thomas: i think she saw you

Mia: she definitely did! Vinnie wink at her.

I was there staring at her. I liked her and she recognized me. I just cheered along.

Alex: Vinnie is crushing!

Vinnie: stop it!


You: thank you all!!

Soon the concert was over and you rushed backstage.

You: damn, that guy was really cute.
Perry: you should have ask for his number
Jade: check your dms. If he saw you were interested too he probably tried to look for you.

You quickly got your phone and went to check your dms. All the girls gathered around you. You scrolled through the messages.

You: okay here is a guy. Lets check his photos.

You went to look at his instagram and saw it was him.

You: It's him!

All the girls screamed.

Perry:he is cute
Jade: he is for sure attractive

You all laughed. You answered his text too. You said hi. You two chatted a little bit in the evening. You have seen some of his videos before. His name was Vinnie Hacker. You felt a spark between you two.

2 months later.

You were on Facetime with Vinnie. It became like a routine. You two talked about everything. From music to dreams.
You: so what did you do today
Vinnie: oh just filmed, it was a pretty chill day.

You two talked for an hour.

You: well i gotta go now, it was nice talking to you
Vinnie: it was nice talking to you too, but we should hang out someday
You: yeah that would be amazing

Little time skip...

You: girls guess what
Leigh-Anne: what
You: Vinnie wants to hang out
Jesy: yay!
Perry: We are going to L.A soon, you meet him there!
You: true, that is such a good plan. I'll let him know.

Butterflies and excitement were moving in your stomach. You were finally gonna see the guy you have been crushing on for months.

1 week later

Vinnie Hacker• One Shots Where stories live. Discover now