A Nightmare Come True.

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(Y/n's POV)

We walked towards the storage closet. Why the hell was it that big? "Well, the hell you guys waiting for, let's g-" I stopped. The room suddenly got darker. "Hey uh- Kris- Y/n- is it me or is it REALLY dark in there?" Susie stuttered. "What you scared of the dark or something?" I chuckled. "Shut the hell up already." Susie grumbled. "Yeahh no." I folded my arms. "So what's the hold-up you guys? You gonna go in or not?" she asked. Kris backed up a bit leaving me in front of the door. "Kris!?- Kris- are you really nominating me like this?!" I whisper-screamed. Kris shrugged and put their hands back in their pockets. "Fine.. since you guys are such pussies, looking at you Susie." I pointed. "HEY HEY KRIS DIDN'T WANT TO GO EITHER!" she folded her arms. I sighed and walked into the closet. It was pretty much pitch black. "See guys? It's okay. There's noth-" I turned around and bumped into Susie. "Hey, watch where you're going." she said. "WHY ARE YOU RIGHT BEHIND ME??" I asked. "'Cuz I'm following you. Duh." she said. I stared at her in confusion before she pushed past me to get in front. "Ugh." I groaned. Kris and I walked after her deeper into the closet. "Can we just try to find a lightswitch instead of walking so deep into a creepy ass closet?" I asked. "No need. This closet is broken. If Alphys wants her chalk so bad she can get it herself." Susie said turning around. "Glad we can agree on something for once." I said. 
We walked towards the door and it's suddenly shut. "Wh-what the-" I stuttered. "Hey! This isn't funny! LET US OUT! LET US-" Susie banged on the door. The floor started shaking. "Guys! The floor!!" I screamed calling Susie and Kris' attention. They looked down and started to panic. Suddenly the floor gave out and we dropped.


I opened my eyes, holding my head to a blue blur holding me up and walking. I fell back on my ass and looked up. When my vision cleared, I realized it was Kris. Wait. WAIT. This was exactly like my nightmare! I KNEW KRIS AND SUSIE LOOKED A BIT TOO FAMILIAR! NOW I'M ACTUALLY STUCK IN A CLOSET WORLD WITH NO WAY OUT. "You hit your head pretty hard when you fell, you were out cold for a while." Kris said. "You talk? That's the second most surprising thing that's happened all day." I said. "What was the first?" they asked pulling me up. "Uhh- don't worry about that you don't wanna know." I said. We looked around. We seemed to be in some deserted cliff area. Speaking of looking, Kris looked super different. Their skin was blue, and so was their hair. They were wearing some kind of battle armor like they were a knight or something. They also had a blue and pink scarf around their neck. "Damn does this place have some sorta customize character gimmick? You look sick." I said. "Thanks." Kris smiled. I looked down at myself. I looked different too. I had on dw/o (dark world outfit). "Huh, this place sure knows what I like." I said checking my self out. "Wait. Where's Susie? She fell down here too right??" I said. "I dunno." they shrugged. I sighed. "Now we have to find Susie AND get outta here." I facepalmed. "If I know Susie, she isn't far. Come on, time's a wasting." they said walking off. I followed them towards a bright light. It almost looked like a star. "The hell is that?" I asked. "How would I know I've never been here before!" Kris replied. "Should I touch it?" they asked. "NO! WHAT IF IT KILLS YOU?!" I warned. "YEAH BUT WHAT IF IT'S GOOD?!" they said back. They quickly touched it and nothing happened. Well at least nothing bad. "Whatttt happened?" I asked. "So basically we can save and heal with this little star. Like in a videogame." they explain. "Oh. So what are we in some videogame world?" I asked. "Don't know. But we should keep going." they said looking down the path. We continued down the path and came across these stick things that waved when you passed by them. The walls seeped out black goo and had eyes carved into the walls. Wherever we are, this place is fucking creepy. After finding a pretty crystal in a wall, we came across a gap. "You think we could jump that?" I  said walking towards the edge. "Are you insane?! No!" they said pulling me from the edge. "Soo what do we do?" I asked. "Look." they pointed. I turned to see three eyes with switched under them. "Only those blinded by darkness can see the way." I read aloud. "What's that supposed to mean?" Kris asked. I walked to the puzzle and put my hands in the eyes. I flicked two of the switches and a glass bridge went across the gap. "Turn all the eyes black perhaps." I said walking over the bridge. "You didn't have to sound so cocky." Kris said running after me. After a bit more walking, dodging, and slope sliding, we came across these dust blobs scattered across the path. "Ugh, why does this place make the most untouchable things look touchable." I said. I poked at the dust blob and it exploded. "Well, 1 down, all of those others to go." Kris shrugged.  We kept poking at the dust blobs until one of them revealed Susie. "H-Hey!! B-Back off! Come any closer and I'll- oh. It's you two." she said calming down. "Nice to see you too Susie." I said sarcastically. "Yeah yeah." she rolled her eyes. "Where are we?" Susie asked. "That's what we're trying to figure out." I said. "Who said I was asking you?" Susie snapped back. "Oh well EXCUSE ME for wasting my breath to point out the obvious!" I said. "Which wasn't needed." "The only thing that isn't needed right now is your unecessary comebacks." "Oh that does it-!" she said winding up her fist to punch me. "GUYS. FOR THE SAKE OF GETTING HOME CAN YOU TWO LOVEBIRDS GET ALONG??" Kris asked. "LOVEBIRDS??" Susie and I screamed in unison. "SHE IS LITERALLY MY WORSE ENEMY!!" I crossed my arms. "OH NO. YOU WERE MY ENEMY FIRST!" she said putting me in a headlock. "You guys are bickering like an old couple. Come on we need to get outta here." they said walking past us. I don't know what Kris is talking about with me and Susie being "lovebirds" but I know one thing for sure. They're wrong.


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