Through the Acid Tunnel.

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(Ralsei's POV)

Susie and Y/n waved to Kris and me before we walked away.  "Let's go Ralsei," Kris said walking forwards. They saved at the bookshelf area and we continued through Queen's Mansion. Down the hall was a massive ocean of battery acid.  "A... A giant lake of acid??" I said confused. "Oh You Mean The Free Pool?" Queen appeared on screen. "Why.... why would anyone swim in acid??" Kris asked. "You Will Learn To Love It Like Family" she continued. "Why do you have this?!" I asked. "It Is My Mansion's Energy Source And Fun To Drink, Bye Ha Ha" she said disappearing. "What's next, she drinks chlorine too?" Kris sighed. "Yes Actually It Is Quite Refreshing" Queen giggled. "How are we going to get across all this?!" I turned to Kris and said. "Maybe this?" they gestured towards the huge lever sitting next to us. They pulled it and a swan boat floated toward us. "I suppose this works. Haha.." I said. We got in and it immediately started moving. We passed mini islands and houses. "Now, we have to think of some way to distract Queen..." I thought aloud. "Ooh Wow I'm So Distracted Right Now" Queen said as if she heard us. "What are these... little houses?" I asked. "Just Tropical Villas For My Guests Isn't That Thoughtful" she giggled. "How would anyone fit in those?" Kris asked. "Shrink From The Acid" she shrugged as if that wasn't terribly wrong. "Kris Get The Banana" she said pointing at the floating banana. "Kr...Kris isn't going to do what you say!" I exclaimed. "Ralsei, you misunderstand. I. NEED. The. Banana." they grinned, steering the swan toward the banana. "Y-you're right Kris... it's good for you," I smiled. "Looks like we're coming up on a tunnel!" I pointed. There was a platform there and a giant hand in the way of the stream. The swam bumped into it and we had to get out. "Maybe we can find some way to get rid of this," they said. We went into the room up ahead. There were two ways to go but the left way was blocked off by acid. On the right was a puzzle where you have to press the houses to unlock the paths. After unlocking most of them, we found a mouse puzzle.


After spending what felt like eternity fixing that puzzle, the hand lowered and we could go back. We hopped back in the swan and got going. It was quiet for a while until I softly tapped Kris' shoulder. "Kris.. hey Kris.." I said softly. "Yeah, Rals?" they said. "Is it strange to say... it's nice spending time alone with you like this..?" I said nervously. "Not really... I think it's nice," they said. Th-they do?  " Y-you see, when I first met you and Y/n... I was so nervous about first impressions. I even hid my face so you wouldn't see. 'How do I even be a friend..?' All I have to do is be nice, I thought. But now I'm starting to realize, being friends... is more than that isn't it?" I said. "'Susie, sometimes she isn't nice at all! She's selfish, she's rude, she's sarcastic, but.. isn't it wonderful that she's... her?' Is what I... started thinking today... Y/n, they're smart, talented, funny, and are a lot like Susie most of the time, but again, it's just so wonderful that they're them. And of course, Kris. It's nice that you're you." I continued. "Well, all of that is true. But guess what I thought." Kris said. "Wh..what is it?" I asked. They pulled me into a hug. "I think... it's wonderful that Ralsei, is Ralsei," they said. "H-huh?.. No one's ever said that to me before..." I sniffled. "Rals, are you crying?" they asked. I took off my glasses and wiped my tears, unknowingly revealing my bright pink eyes. "Ralsei, you have pink eyes?" they asked. I quickly put my glasses back on. "N-no? I- I don't know what you're talking about Kris!" I laughed awkwardly. "Ralsei your eyes are pretty, don't hide them," they said. "Kris... you're a good friend." I smiled.

We arrived in this area with a whole village of houses, and most of them blocked the way. " Kris look at all those houses?" I said. "What are they even doing here?" they asked. "Ge hahahaha... Thoust WORMS reallyst thoughtst... Thoust had seeneth the Lasteth of Me???" we heard a familiar voice say. Roulxs appeared with a pirate hat on his head on a pirate ship. "Chips Ahoyeth, Landlubbers! Arrrrrr-t thou ready-eth to visiteth Davith Jones' Lockre???" he said. "Roulxs?! But you were supposed to be in Kris' inventory!" I exclaimed. "I felleth out and landed in this here-eth place." he explained. "Okay, but could you NOT speak with more than one accent?" Kris asked. "Yeaheth, alright. " he agreed. "Oh, Mr. Roulxs! I just remembered! Lancer! He's not well!" I said. "Yeah, why haven't you turned to stone yet?" Kris asked quietly. "O dear. Didst thou, erm, try Burpinge him??? Perhapsth give him a sip of Medieval Ginger Ale?? ...Waite! I hath NOT time to spend on such Frivolitese! I must Conquere this Islande and defeast you! Then, giftingeth her a succulent Island Presente, The Beautious Queene shall reward ME- By Makingeth Me Her Right-Hand-Man! Hahaha!! Me!! The ULTIMATE Minion!! Now beholdeth!! The forme of thoun Destroyere! The pirate ship turned out to be a cutout and fell, revealing our Thrash Machine. "whatevereth this thing is!" he said. "This thing again?!" I exclaimed. "Didn't Susie and Lancer blow this up?" they asked aloud. "Haha, squirming with Jealousy at my Battle Caravane?! 'Tis an Effigie of an Ancient God of Combate, I rescuedeth it from The King's Trash Heape, And fixedeth it up in this Worldes' Scrap Shoppe!!" he explained. "Oh," they said. "Welp, En Guarde, Worms!" he said pulling out a sword.


* Thrash Machine reluctantly fights you!

* Claimed one house! Finished!

* Ralsei distracted! Roulxs will place one less house next turn!

"The Rouxls (pronounced Rules) art Simple! Conquer Houses! Whoeverest has the most, Winst!" Roulxs explained. Roulxs claimed one house and immediately hit us with a barrage of blocks. We didn't take any damage.

* You can't help but notice the enemy's ship is very yes

* Claimed two houses! Finished!

* Ralsei distracted! Roulxs will place one less house next turn!

"Soon, Victorie will be Mineth, and Queene will maketh me her Left Hande Man..." the thrash machine started attacking us with (lasers/ducks/bullets etc). We took a bit of damage but not a lot.

* Your city is lacking Crime.

* Claimed one house! Finished!

"Um, Mr. Kaard, what happens if WE win?" I asked. "...Uh oh." he said. The thrash machine started attacking us with (lasers/ducks/bullets etc).

* Smells like a model house set.

* Claimed 3 houses! Finished!

"STOP!!! STOP BUILDINGETH HOUSES!!! I HAVE TO WIN!!!" he screamed. He claimed 3 more houses. The thrash machine started attacking us with (lasers/ducks/bullets etc). We were hit a lot and had to heal.

* You need more Residential Zones.

* Claimed 1 house! Finished!

* Ralsei cast HEAL PRAYER!

"Thrashst off the Porthbow!" he exclaimed claiming 2 more buildings. The thrash machine started attacking us with (lasers/ducks/bullets etc).

* You can't help but notice the enemy's ship is very yes

* Claimed 4 houses! Finished!

"It seemseth the Game hath been Overed! What!? Howst doth you have more Houstes?!" he exclaimed. "We're just better." Kris folded their arms in satisfaction. "CUT THE BATTLE!!!" he screamed.

* You WON! Got 0 EXP and 200 D$.


"Ah... Ahh, ha ha ha...! So thou hast triumphed... NOT!! You have only seen but One-Percentile of my Weapon's Abilities!!" Roulxs said before starting to glow. "Ge ha ha... Beholde, Worms!! The REALE Power of Roulxs Kaard!!" he said floating into the air. Suddenly he turned to stone and fell. "GOD. DAMMIT." he said falling on his city. The houses that blocked our way exploded along with the Thrash Machine. "Ah... That's right. Roulxs isn't compatible with this world either." I said. "Well, let's go, Kris!" I smiled. Kris steered the ship towards the end of the river. There was a camera perched on the wall. "Looks like the ride's almost over, Kris... O-oh there's a camera! Should we u-um pose?" I stuttered. Kris put up the peace sign so I did too. The camera shuttered and we continued to the end. "ART THOU JUST GOING TO LEAVETH ME HERE??? THOU AREN'T EVEN GOING TO SHOWETH ME THE PICTURE!!?" Roulxs yelled from behind us. "No!" Kris yelled back, cackling after they heard Roulxs growl in frustration. We reached the end, and got out of the swan. "That was a nice boatride, wasn't it Kris?" I asked. "Yeah," they said still giggling about Roulxs. After leaving the acid river, I stopped Kris just remembering about Susie and Y/n. "Kris... have you ever thought to wonder what Susie and Y/n are doing right now?" I asked. "They're probably making out, to be honest," they laughed. 


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