Done With These Puzzles.

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(Y/n's POV)

I went upstairs with Susie where there was more of those ballerina things and we dodged them. I also just- I got this horrible feeling. Like I was being watched. I felt it all throughout this place. Even still at school. I wonder if Susie felt it too. "Susie?" I called. "Hm?" she turned around. "Do you... have the feeling like you're being-" "Watched? Yeah. Constantly. I don't know what it is but I think someone's stalking us." she said. "Let's just ignore it. We gotta seal the fountain." I said. This time the spikes to the next floor were on the right. There was another opening at the end and I think we all knew who was going to appear once we went in. We walked in and the spikes lifted. There was another bright light again and there Roulxs was.

"Geh ha ha... thoust guys really think that was all I hadst?!" he said. "Yup." We all nodded. "WRONGE! It's time for you to feel my Reale Powere! BEHOLD! My ULTIMATE puzzle!" he said dramatically. ANOTHER one of those box puzzles appeared. AND WHEN I TELL YOU IT WAS THE EXACT SAME SHIT WITH AN EXTRA SPACE,,, I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS. "Say sike right now." Kris said irritated. "I got this one guys." Susie stepped up. "NO! I WANT Y/N TO TRYETH IT AGAIN. They shall not maketh a fool of me anymore!" he said. I walked up and kicked box twice like it was nothing, and the spikes retracted. We all just looked at him like he was stupid. (he so fuckin is.) The room went silent as he eyed us shockingly. "Ahhh.. ahh... ha.. ha ha ha! Gullible worms! That wasn'tst REALLY my ultimate puzzle! I have a wayst better one right here." he lied. "Can.. can we see it?" Ralsei asked politely. "no" he said blankly while running away.  I cracked up and started laughing. "WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT??" Susie giggled. "THE- THE WAY HE JUST RAN AWAY- IT WAS SO DUMBBB-" I kept laughing. "*WHEEZE* I KNOW RIGHT!! THAT WHOLE GOOFY ASS RUN BROO-" Susie laughed. We all started dying of laughter because of how dumb Susie's wheeze was. "WOOO HOLY SHITT-" I fell over. "YO GET UP!" Kris said helping me up. I slipped and fell back on my face and we kept laughing EVEN HARDER. "WHAT KINDA CARTOON BANANA PEEL SLIP SHIT WAS THATT-" Susie was actually dying. "LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO SUSIE! SHE WENT FROM PINK TO MAGENTA BECAUSE OF YOUU!" they giggled. "OKAY GUYS LET'S GO-" I got up again. "NAH NAH LET ME HOLD YOU SO YOU DON'T FALL AGAIN." Susie said carrying me bridal style. I started to blush but kept laughing.

We left the room and went left to where the stairs were. There was a chest next to it that had a Revive Mint in it. We went up the stairs and there was another save point. Kris saved and we went into what we presumed was Roulxs' shop. We had a lot of money so we bought a new ax for Susie and a new scarf for Ralsei. Along with a couple of Roulx Roux which I think is mac and cheese- but with worms.  After we left we finally found the elevator that was stuck upstairs. We were able to ride it up and down now. We went up some more stairs and got to a room with a long hallway. "If we climb any more stairs,,, I'm going to kill everything in this building and then myself." Susie panted. "That DOESN'T include us... right?" Kris replied. "Let's just say if there's more stairs, only Y/n is safe." she groaned. Then the room got dark. "What's happening?" Ralsei said nervously. "Enough, Worms...!" we heard a familiar voice say. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME, AGAIN?!" I screamed in frustration. And Roulxs appeared once more. "Thou may have CHEATEDETH through mine PUZZLES, but in COMBAT, thou shalt be scattered about!" he said. "Seeing as we haven't died yet, I don't really think so." Kris said. "YET? You have so much optimism Kris." I said sarcastically. "Come, knaves! Prepareth for battle with...!" he said. Right after he revealed that our opponent would be.... the same 7 FOOT ASS CHECKERED PIECE. "OH MY FUCKING GOD WHY THIS THING AGAIN?!" Susie exclaimed. "Whatever this is!!" he said triumphantly. "Huh?! It's the enemy from before! But its crown looks different!" Ralsei said. "It looks the same." Susie said. "Yes! With my Control Crowne... I mayst control any disc-shaped Lifeforme! K.Round stanced its legs like it was ready to fight. "Oh no!!! It looks like its in pain!!" "IT LOOKS THE SAME!!" Susie and I screamed. "YOU MEAN IT LOOKS LIKE IT WANTS TO KILL US." Kris said. "Didn't it wanna do that before?" Susie said. "Yes.. the control crown is painful.. but I'm certain this Creature will feeleth relief when it sees how much MORE pain THOU'LL be in!!" he said.

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