The Field Of Hopes And Dreams.

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(Susie's POV)

After beating that diamond darkner up, we continued on our path to get outta this place. We found another sign that Y/n didn't almost trip over this time. "If you're reading this... I guess you're dead. -SIGNED, LANCER." Y/n read aloud. We ignored that and just went along through this- surprisingly calm forest. Walking along some more, we found the kid himself. "Well speak of the devil." I said crossing my arms. "Ho ho ho, if it isn't my three favourite people. Psyche! You guys aren't even in my top 5!!" he giggled. "We got past that guy you planted." I said. "Pssh. Flawlessly." Y/n scoffed.  "Oh yeah!? Well you don't know what's up ahead waiting for you!" he said. "What is it more guys?" Kris asked. Lancer's smiled faded. "It's more guys isn't it." Y/n guessed. "Yeah." Lancer confessed. "Welp, let's go guys." I said cracking my knuckles. We walked up to the darkners and went right into battle.


* A necklace of Rudinns blocks your path!

"So uh, what do you want me to do?" I asked. "Y/n and I will convince both of them to stop fighting, while you and Ralsei spare them." Kris ordered. "Okay. I guess." I shrugged. 

* Kris told Rudinn to quit fighting. It was utterly swayed.

* Y/n told Rudinn to quit fighting. It was utterly swayed.

* You spared Rudinn!

* Ralsei spared Rudinn!

* You WON! Got  0 EXP and 69 D$.


"Heh, 69." I chuckled to myself. Y/n started to stifle a laugh. "God, you're so immature." they said holding in the biggest laugh. "YOU'RE LITERALLY TRYING NOT TO LAUGH RIGHT NOW!!!" I exclaimed. They bursted into laughter and I did too. Kris just stared at us like we were crazy before stifling a laugh of their own. "I gotta say this acting thing isn't that bad." I admitted. "Aww, I'm glad you like acting Susie!" Ralsei smiled. "I-I DON'T LIKE IT! I JUST- it's OKAY I guess." I shrugged walking off. 


Up ahead was some spinning chef guy who was taking a nap on the grass. On the table next to him was a.... beautiful... double-decker... vanilla cake.... with strawberries on top!! I ran behind him secretly and started chomping down on that cake. It was SO. GOOD. I heard a shriek and turned around to see Kris, Y/n, and Ralsei standing there while the chef guy ran up to me and spritzed me with water like I was a cat or something. I hissed and grabbed a chunk of it before I ran off again. I chowed down on the chunk in my hands until I saw Y/n walk up to me with the rest of the cake with Ralsei and Kris behind them. My eyes widened as I tried to grab some more before they pulled it away from me. "Ah ah ah. YOU ruined an innocent person's cake!" they said. "IT WAS JUST SITTING THERE! HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW HE STILL WANTED IT." I folded my arms. "Oh my god- Susie." "Whatt?" I groaned. They pulled out a napkin. "Come here." they said gesturing for me to lower myself to their height. I lowered myself down to them and smirked. They looked like they were about to explode. Not in an angry way, in a flustered way. I giggled before they pulled me by the collar so they could clean my face properly. I started blushing. A lot. They might get flustered easily but they sure know how to clap back with equal energy. "Those crumbs must've felt SO uncomfy. Gimme your-" I interrupted them and tapped their nose, leaving frosting on it. "Boop." I smiled. Before they could wipe it off, I wiped it off and licked it off my finger. "Yum." I smirked. They suddenly wiped the frosting off of my lip and ate it. "Huh. It does taste good." they winked before walking off, with Kris and Ralsei following after them. They left me standing there, stunned. "Did they just- didn't they basically just-" I thought. I snapped out of my thoughts and caught up with them. "H-hey wait for me!" I stuttered, still kinda stunned. They basically kinda kissed me. BASICALLY.

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