Why Does The Second Day Of School Always Suck?

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(Y/n's POV)

I lazily opened my eyes to see pure sunlight filling my room. "SHIT WHAT TIME IS IT?!" I thought. I scrambled off my bed to my plugged in phone. I quickly turned it on to see- "8:45?!" I screamed out. Kris and Susie were startled awake due to my noise. "Uh, Y/n, what the hell are you up so early making noise for?" Kris groaned. "Exactly, just come back to bed," Susie sighed, covering her head with my blanket. "IT'S 8:45." I showed them both my phone. Kris stared at me with a shocked expression while Susie stopped moving. "YUP! LET'S GET UP NOW," Susie jumped out of bed while Kris crawled out of the fort. I ran to my bathroom but Kris had gotten there before me. They shut the door in my face. "HEY!" I exclaimed. "I GOT HERE FIRST LOSER!~" they sang. I growled in frustration before turning to Susie frantically picking out her normal clothes and then sighing. "What's wrong?" I asked, walking over to her. "Oh nothing. Just my sweater has a gaping hole in it. I wonder how that got there," she sighed. "Hey, give it here." She looked at me confused for a moment before tossing me her sweater. I turned to my closet and picked out a lilac sweater my mom bought me. It was a few sizes too big but my mom said I could just grow into it. Little did she know the size was fine, and would fit perfectly on Susie. "Here. YOU put this on, while I sow up your sweater." I went into my mom's room to borrow a needle and black thread. "Hey, you really don't have to do that for me," she said. "Uh, yes I do, you're my girlfriend, and I'm not letting your favorite sweater stay having a huge hole in it," I threaded the needle and began sowing it closed. "There! Do you wanna wear this to school today or do you still wanna wear mines?" I asked. I turned around to be met by Susie's face. She kissed me deeply before taking back her sweater from me. "I think I'll wear yours," she smiled. "Okay, then I'll just wear yours," I smirked, throwing it on. I looked down to see the sweater was at my knees but for Susie it'd be at her thighs. The sleeves were a little long but I just rolled em up. "You look so pretty with it on," she blushed. Kris finally got out of the bathroom. "TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH!" I folded my arms. "You're just salty that you didn't get to the bathroom first." Kris smirked. "Whatever. Just wait in the living room, Susie's changing in here and I'm changing in the bathroom." I said. "Okay okay," they lazily walked down the stairs while I closed the door to my room. Before I could speak, I was pulled from the door and Susie started kissing me. "S-Suz- we- we- SCHOOL-" I said between kisses. "Fuck school. Can't we just have a little time to ourselves?" Susie looked at me lovingly. "Yes. I promise we will. During lunch. When we go back to my place for the project." I smiled. "Aww, fine," she sighed, letting go of my hands. I quickly kissed her on the cheek. "You're so touch starved." I giggled, heading into my bathroom. "Yeah, I love you too," she replied.

.tiny timeskip brought to you by this chapter being a bit too long than planned at this rate.

We arrived at school at 9:30, when Kris got stopped by their mom and got scolded for being late. Susie and I waiting by the lockers for her to finish. Kris walked back towards us with an irritated expression. We snickered at them as they passed by us to open the door. "Not. A. WORD." they said. They opened the door to the classroom and everyone turned to look at Kris. "Oh K-Kris! You're late today! Usually you're always punctual.. heheh..." Alphys stuttered. I guess everyone didn't see Susie and I behind them. Whispers spread around the room. "Hey, where's Y/n?" MK asked. "Probably got thrashed by Susie and ended up in the hospital after yesterday." Snowy snickered. Half of the class started to laugh which lowered down to a nervous chuckle. "Oh, I wouldn't be so sure about that." Noelle said. "What do you mean Noelle?" Jockington asked. "Oh! U-uh- nothing!" she stuttered. "KRIS MOVE! LET ME AT EM!" Susie grumbled. "Ah, ah, don't worry Suz, I got this." I grinned. "Kris move, we don't need to be marked later than usual," I said. Kris went further into the class and the class gasped at what they saw. "Oh! Y/n! S-Susie... Wonderful of you to join us!" Alphys said nervously. "Heh, more like horrible." Snowy chuckled. "Shut it snowflake." I said pissed off. "Or else what?" He asked. "Or else I beat your ass dipshit. Insult Susie again it's my foot, up your ass. Got it?" I took a step closer into the classroom. He stopped talking. "Good." I stared down the class and most of them slumped back in their chairs. The class wasn't too bad. Sure, most of them believe Susie's a bad person but MK, Catti, Jockington, Tem, and even BERDLY aren't as bad as Noelle and Snowy. "Looks like someone's been hanging out with Susie too much," someone muttered. "What was that?" Susie asked. The class went quiet. " 'Looks like someone's been hanging out with Susie too much.' Who. Said. That." Susie asked again. Suddenly MK pointed to Snowy and everyone else did except for Noelle, who didn't care. "Good. Good to know." Susie relaxed herself, a smile plastered on your face. Susie and I turned to Alphys. "Y-you two can take a seat." she said nervously. We sat down and chilled for the rest of the class.


"It was the best of times, it was the worse of times." Berdly began to read. His voice was so annoying but I followed his reading through the book. I turned around and observed the class. Snowy looked scared as fuck (serves him right), Susie was writing something down, Jockington was reading, MK was starting to fall asleep, Kris was already passed out next to me, Catti was pretending to read but was just texting someone on her phone, Tem was reading (??), Berdly was being extra, reading on top of his desk, and Noelle was giving me this disgusting stare which I knew exactly how to retaliate back with. I smiled at her, which took her aback, before writing up a note to meet her after class. She smiled and wrote back okay. Perfect. Everything was going to plan. I wrote down the note I'd give her when the time came. It was Tem's turn to read, giving me a few more turns before me. I pulled out my sketchbook and started to sketch me, Susie, Kris and Ralsei fighting Jevil from last night, before being interrupted by a paper ball to the head. I picked it up and opened it. "Do you wanna go to the DW instead of your house for lunch? Was dying to go back there after last night." I read in my head. I circled yes and threw it back to her. Luckily she caught it before Snowy or Jockington did, which would've been horrible. After reading my part (which I really didn't want to do), I decided to just take a little nap. I already finished the worksheet Alphys handed out there's no point in forcing my eyes awake.


"Y/n? Y/n wake up!" Susie shook me awake. I shot up to see Kris and Susie standing over me while Noelle was waiting at the door. "Can we just have a moment? Alone?" Kris asked. She left and closed the door. "WHAT ARE YOU THINKING??" Kris exclaimed. "HANGING OUT WITH NOELLE?? AFTER SHE TRIED TO DRUG YOU LAST NIGHT?" Susie panicked. "Guys guys. I'll be fine. I'm just giving her payback for drugging me. You guys will see soon enough. Just wait by the closet for me." I said. We all exited the classroom and they waited by the closet door.

I followed Noelle outside and stood near the library door. "Hey!" Noelle exclaimed. "Hey." I said flatly. "So uh, what did you wanna talk about? And why are you wearing Susie's sweater?" she asked. "Oh! Uh, we went by the lake yesterday and she gave it to me 'cuz I was cold." I lied. "Oh. And why is she wearing what looks like your sweater then?" she asked. "Because she forgot to bring clothes to our sleepover last night, so she borrowed mine." I explained. "Oh, cool. So what did you wanna talk about?" She asked. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry for acting like an ass last night, it's just, Susie is my best friend and I felt kinda left out you know?" I said. "Oh, that's okay! I forgive you. I just have one more question." she smiled. "Shoot." I said. "Where did you guys go yesterday?" she asked. Shit. Think quick Y/n. "We were skipping, hanging by the lake. Kris forgot something at school so we went back there and hung out in the spare closet for a bit." I lied. "Oh. Okay. Now, to what you wanted?" she asked. "I know, you like Susie, so I wanted to give you her number." I said. "R-really? For me?" She said shocked and blushing. "Mhm!" I smiled. I handed her the note.


"I cannot believe you drugged me because I was close to your crush. If it wasn't for Kris and Susie getting me to the hospital, I don't know what could've happened. You are disgusting and I'm so happy you've gotten your karma. (I'm dating Susie now jackass.) Stay the hell away from me and my friends, and don't ever try that psycho shit again." I reread the note in my head.

She looked at me enraged before I flipped her off and I walked back to school. Asshole. Can't believe I let her drug me.

"So what did you do?" Kris asked. "Told her off in a note I lied and said was Susie's number." I smiled. "Holy shit remind me not to cross you." Kris backed up a bit. "Well, coast is clear now. Let's go guys." Susie smiled. We opened the closet door to feel the familiar darkness from last night.

And in we went.



Why Me? - Susie x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon