Captured AGAIN.

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(Y/n's POV)

I woke up in a cell and saw a giant screen. I stood to my feet and was startled by Queen's face suddenly appearing on the screen. "How Do You Like Your New Room Units" she asked. "Would be better if I was FREE. And if I had a bed and food." I said. "But They Are Perfectly Suited To Your Interests" I saw nothing. "The hell do you mean there's nothing in here!" I exclaimed. The screen disappeared and I slumped down in my cage. "Kris?! Y/n?! Hey! Can you hear me?!" I heard Susie whisper-yell. I looked around to see where her voice was coming from and saw a funnel-looking speaker in the corner. "Susie?? Where are you?" I asked. "In a cell. Looks like we can communicate through rooms." Susie pointed out. "Convenient Isn't It, I Really Thought Of Everything" Queen popped up. "Shut up!!" Susie snapped back. "Kris! You got a way to get out of here?" I asked. "Wait- where's Ralsei?" Susie realized. "Was he even captured?" I asked. Out of nowhere, a high-pitched squeal echoed from out of the cell. "Maybe that was him. That soft-yet-tender scream is definitely Ralsei." Susie thought aloud. "I think I got an idea guys!" they replied. It was silent for a moment until I heard a familiar voice. "Missed me??? Because I missed you!!" I heard Lancer say from Kris' room. "Lancer??!" Susie and I said at the same time. "That really you?? I thought you ditched us!" Susie exclaimed. "No!! I love ditches but I would never ditch you! I was merely relaxing in Kris' spacious pants hole." he said. "Ehh- pocket." Susie corrected. "Yes!! And I saw it all!! Pants. Lint. Various items. A wild Mom put you in Shock Cages." he paced. "Hahah, yeah, so uh-" "Could you please get us out somehow?" I pitched in. "Right! Yes! You can always rely on a friendly me! To make you free!" There was nothing but silence until I heard the power-up of the computer. "Haha! I have no idea how to use this!" After a few spam clicks and an alarm going off from Kris' room, the cages deactivated and the door unlocked.

Outside of the cell were a bunch of doors on the wall. I turned to see Susie and Kris next to Lancer. Kris saved next to what I assumed was their cell. "Man, Lancer you're the best, dude!" Susie cheered, high-fiving him. I smiled at Lancer before I ran over and hugged him, but then he started coughing. I backed away studying him, watching his color fade and return. "Hey, Lancer you okay, dude?" Susie asked walking up to him. "I...I'm fine! Just very... cold-" He immediately fell over, exhausted. "H-hey- Lancer!?" I shook him to see if he was responsive. "He's not doing so well, you should carry him, Susie," I suggested. She carefully picked him up and threw him over her back. "We need to find Ralsei, he'll be able to heal him," Susie said. We continued walking down the hallway until Berdly escaped his room. "Wait!! WAIT!! Y-you three aren't going to leave without ME are you?!" he asked frantically. "Uhh, yeah we are," Susie stated, turning back around. "But Noelle- my damsel in distress- she must be- in distress! And if I cannot help her then...!" "Okay FINE you can come if you SHUT UP!" Susie interrupted.

There was a puzzle in the next room. Queen's face was engraved on the carpet and the lights created shapes that looked like they belonged to the picture of Queen on the floor. Before Kris could go ahead and do the puzzle, Berdly ran in to interrupt. "Calm your skinless, boneless, thighs everyone. I'LL think of a solution." He looked at the puzzle for a moment with his finger (??) at his chin. "Kris just do the puzzle," I facepalmed. "W-wait!! I wasn't done thinking!!" the bluebird stammered. Kris went ahead to rotate and move the lights into their respective spots, and we could move forward. "Yeah!! We got it!!" Susie exclaimed. "See how fast Kris did that Berdly?" I teased. Kris smirked at Berdly's frustration. "Wh..what?! Hey- wait a second- how'd you... how'd you solve it without me!!" he fumbled on his words. "Hahaha!! Kris figured it out before you!! Jealous?" Susie cackled. "W-well I- I knew the answer- I- I just wanted to see Kris try first! It's called SUSPENSE, Susan!! Dramatic SUSPENSE!!" he explained."You said the exact same thing when I whooped your ass in Mortal Komba-.... huh? I can't say that? Why? .... Oh. I MEAN- I WHOOPED YOUR ASS IN DRAGON BLAZERS," Kris talked to themselves. Susie and I stared in confusion before walking to the next room. 

Why Me? - Susie x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon