Out the Castle and Into the Field.

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(Y/n's POV)

After persuading Susie to stay, we walked back to Kris and Ralsei. "I uh- changed my mind. I'll stay with you guys." Susie stuttered, a light blush on her face. "You mean Y/n persuaded you. That's odd, weren't you guys just at each other's necks? Unless you-" "UNLESS I DECIDED IT WOULD BE EASIER TO GET OUT WITH YOU GUYS." Susie said interrupting Kris. Then she whispered something in Kris' ear and they started smirking. "What? What is it?" I asked. "Nothing nothing! It's not about you, and we are not saying anything rude about you. I promise." Susie said. "'I promise' huh? Looks like someone's got a cr-" Susie stepped on Kris' toe to get them to stop talking. "SHIT MY TOEEE-" they laughed in pain. "STOP. TALKING." Susie said. Me and Ralsei just stared at 'em. "Umm, okay! Shall we go now?" Ralsei finally said. "Yeah let's go." Susie said. 

We walked out of the castle and went east as Lancer said. There was a passageway with a dummy that looked like Ralsei up there. "Oh! Kris, Y/n, Susie, that's the training dummy I made! Now seems like a great chance to prepare for the enemy, would you guys like me to teach you how to fight?" Ralsei asked. "I'm down. I don't really have the hang of it yet, haha-" Y/n said. "Eh, sure I guess. There's still things I'm not clear about too." Kris replied. Y/n turned to me. "Susie? You wanna join us?" they asked. "Um. No thanks. The only I need to do is fight. And I think I got that covered." I replied. "Come on Susie! You can't fight forever! Come on just try ACTing and sparing just this once, for me?" I said holding her hand. "I- um-" she stuttered. "Yeah sure fine." She said letting go of my hand. "Okay! Get ready guys!" he said.  We learned that we have souls, and when Y/n and I are in battle together, we share one. Of course, we both have our own souls, but I guess we share one in battle to not confuse. We also learned about FIGHTing, ACTing, using an ITEM, sparing darkners through MERCY, blah blah blah you get the drill. I'm crazy good at dodging, to be honest I think Susie's starting to get intimidated by me. "That was super fun! Thanks for teaching us Ralsei!" I said sweetly. "You're welcome Y/n! You all are wonderful students!" he replied. "Even though Susie ruined my dummy..." he said looking at the thrashed dummy behind him. "In case you ever uhm, need a refresher, I made a manual for you three!" he continued. Kris took the manual from Ralsei. "Oh thanks, Ralsei." Kris said. 


We kept walking along to find a huge door, engraved with precious gold. "Oh my! The Great Door is opened?!" Ralsei said surprised. "Is that a bad thing..?" Kris asked. "Not really Kris, Now that I know how Lancer got through, I know how to prevent it." he sighed. "Y/n, Kris, Susie, once we pass through this door, our adventure will truly begin, a journey foretold exactly by the prophecy." he continued. "Are you guys ready to proceed?" he asked. Kris and I nodded in unsion. Susie on the other hand- didn't really care. "Susie..." I said turning to her. "WHAT?! I DIDN'T SAY I WASN'T READY!" she exclaimed. "You didn't say you were ready either." I said. "C-can we have a moment to talk please? Alone?" Susie said pulling me away. "What is it?" I asked. "I only agreed to staying with you, not this whole prophecy thing. Who's to say that we can even trust Ralsei!" Susie whispered. I quickly looked over to see Kris and Ralsei talking. "Listen. I'm sorry okay? I don't want you to feel like I'm trying to help force this entire thing on you, 'cuz that's the last and I mean LAST thing I want for you. I- I just felt really hyped up about this 'cuz it's like, this place is like a gateway away from all the garbage we deal with back on the surface, and I just really, really wanted you to be on board with it. Don't you think so too? It's just- if you don't wanna do this anymore then you don't have to stick with us-" "No no. I wanna stay. I'm staying. I um-" she grabbed my hand. "I like staying with you- I MEAN- YOU GUYS." she stuttered. Oh wow. If someone were to tell me that the same Susie that was constantly trying to piss me off, would be the same Susie to be happy to be around me. "Awww~" I cooed. "SHUT THE HELL UP!! CAN'T WE GO NOW?!" Susie exclaimed. "If you guys are ready!" Ralsei said.  


We continued through the door and Ralsei closed it. The other side of the door was gorgeous.. The grass was purple and the trees were pink. Even though I'm stuck in this fantasy world, Susie makes it feel worth staying here... AND KRIS- OF COURSE, MHM- YEAH- I DEFINITELY WASN'T THINKING OF ME AND SUSIE- TOGETHER. HERE. Kris saved not so far from the door and we both continued on our path. We were walking and ALMOST TRIPPED ON THE FRIGGIN SIGN RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. Even though I didn't fall, Susie ran up to me making sure I was okay. "Y/n, are you okay?" she said. "Yeah- um- I'm fine- just a little trip is all. Thanks for your concern." I said flustered. I started to blush. She was so close to me, I could slightly feel her breathing over my face. She chuckled. "Yeah yeah whatever Clumsy." "Okay Grouchy-" I shot back. "uh- WAIT." she said jumping on me. We started playfighting while Kris and Ralsei just watched us unamused. "Anddd they're back to square one." Kris facepalmed.  


We all looked at the sign. "Enemies ahead! You're gonna die! -Signed, Lancer." Kris read aloud. We looked up and saw a diamond-looking darkner. We walked towards it and immediately went into battle. 


* Rudinn drew near!

* Kris warned Rudinn to watch out for Susie's attack. It readies itself.

* You told Rudinn to quit fighting. It was utterly swayed.

"Yeah I guess that makes sense..." it said. "If only I could convince YOU like that." I said to Susie. "Yeah, gooddd luck with that." she chuckled. It did some falling diamond attack that we easily dodged.

* Rudinn is alright with not fighting.

* Kris spared Rudinn!

* You WON! Got 0 EXP and 38 D$.


"Why don't we get any EXP, Ralsei?" I asked. "You only gain EXP here from killing darkners." he said. "Oh," Kris said. "Let's try to avoid getting EXP." Kris continued. "Yeah, that seems pretty grave." I agreed. "Maybe I'll lay off fighting for a bit. You know. Just for a while." Susie said. "Huh. That's all it took to persuade you?" I said. "I mean I might wanna thrash these enemies but I don't wanna kill them. I'm not that bad." she said twiddling her thumbs. "Well, welcome to the better side, Susie."

Glad we're finally getting along.


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