Almost Dying? Join The Club.

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(Susie's POV)



"Who should check so we can come up with a strategy to beat this guy, me or you?" Y/n asked. "You check, the rest of us defend." Kris said. "Alright, let's do this." I got ready to defend.

"CHAOS CHAOS, CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!!" Jevil giggled. He started teleporting in different angles, shooting spades at us. Luckily it wasn't too hard to dodge.

* JEVIL is laughing incomprehensibly. 

"Alright Y/n, what do we have to do." Kris asked. "I don't know!" they said. "You don't know?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T KNOW?!" I panicked. "I CHECKED BUT IT TOLD ME THERE WAS NO STRATEGY TO BEAT HIM!" they screamed. "Okay guys calm down. We have enough TP to use Hypnosis, which makes him tired." Kris said. "So, defend and use Hypnosis until he falls asleep and Ralsei uses Pacify on him. Sounds like a plan." Y/n quickly put together. "Glad to help Y/n!" Ralsei smiled. "But if push comes to shove, we're using our TP on Susie's Rude Buster." Kris continued. "Wouldn't have said it any better. Now let's thrash his ass." I said.

* Ralsei chanted something! JEVIL's next attack shall be weakened! JEVIL became more TIRED!  

"SHALL WE PLAY THE RING AROUND?" he asked before surrounding us in big spades that would spiral towards us in a certain pattern. Kris got hit twice. "You good Kris?" Y/n shouted. The wind and music in here was so overwhelming, I guess screaming over it was necessary. "Yeah! Don't worry about me!" they smiled.

* JEVIL is laughing incomprehensibly.

We all defended, to gain more TP for our plan.

"MY HEARTS GO OUT TO ALL YOU SINNERS!!" (LO! BEHOLD THESE APPROACHING VISITORS, HOW I PITY YOU UNWITTING PRISONERS. Gn) he said before disappearing, and in his place were heart bombs that exploded releasing hearts in a square formation coming at us. Since we were all targeted, we all took a bit of damage, but not enough to need to heal up. 

* It feels like a whirlwind.

*  Kris gazed strangely! JEVIL's next attack shall be weakened! JEVIL became more TIRED! 

"HA, HA, LET'S MAKE THE DEVILSKNIFE." he said before turning into the scythe he almost hit us with before our battle. He multiplied them into four and charged in from around us. It hit Ralsei leaving him at 21 HP. "Ooookay, that's way too low, heal up Rals." Y/n went into their inventory and tossed me a Roulx Roux and I gave it to Ralsei.

*  Smells like chaos.

* Ralsei used the ROULX ROUX!                                                                                        "PIIP PIIP! LET'S RIDE THE CAROUSEL GAME!" he laughed, still hyper as fuck. A bunch of carousel horses spun towards us, moving up and down at the same time making it harder to dodge. I took a bit of damage which made Y/n pretty concerned. "Susie are you okay? Do you need healing, do you need-" "I'm okay Y/n, don't worry about me. I'm way more concerned about you than me." I interrupted them. "No, no. If you died then, I REALLY, really don't know what I would do. Are you sure you're fine?" they asked. "Yeah, I promise." I smiled.

* The world is spinning, spinning. 

* You spun something around! JEVIL's next attack shall be weakened! JEVIL became more TIRED! 

"HEE, HEE, HAVING FUN? JOIN THE CLUB! (A/N: TELL THE FRIENDS YOU BRING, WITH MY HEARTS DIAMONDS I CAN DO ANYTHING! im sorry again the song is just so good) " he said before disappearing again, but this time, there were club bombs exploding instead of heart ones. We all took damage twice, my damage being worse than everyone else's and since Kris didn't heal up earlier, both of us were downed. "Kris?!" Ralsei said worriedly. "Susie?! Kris?!" I heard Y/n call out. "D-don't worry, I'll heal you!" Ralsei assured them. "Thanks Rals," they said weakly. They rushed over to me with a ReviveMint. "Please please please don't die on me not yet." Y/n said frantically. "Hey hey, I'm not going anywhere okay? We're gonna get through this together." I assured them. "Sh sh no, save your voice. I think it's about time to bring back ol' Rude Buster," they said in a low tone.

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