Just The Two Of Us.

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(insert why did i say okie doki by the stupendium here)


(Y/n's POV)

Susie and I waved off to Kris and Ralsei before they walked to the next room. "Quickly, this way!" Berdly said, ushering us towards the exit. We came out of the shortcut to see we were even closer to the Fountain. "This room right here is Noelle's. I'll meet you on the roof, comrades!!" he said before running off. When we got in there... Noelle was nowhere to be seen. "Huh? She isn't even here?" I asked. "Welp, that makes everything 10 times better," Susie smiled. "Oh? And why is that?" I turned to her. "Y'know, I can compliment the living daylights out of you without having to deal with a dirty look from her," she pulled me close. "Heh, you're right," I said. 

We sat on Noelle's bed. "Remember when Lancer released K.Round on us, and we both tried to beat the shit out of it together?" I thought aloud. "Yeah! And Ralsei got so mad at us so we both joined Lancer?" she chuckled. "I'm still right about your laugh by the way," she continued. "And I'm still right about your smile," I blushed.  "Wanna know what else I'm right about?" Susie asked. "What?" I looked into her eyes. "How lucky I am to be with you," she smiled, taking my hand. "And how lucky are you?" "Super lucky." "Well, that would make me ultra lucky, wouldn't it?" "Maybe," she said. 

"Question," I said after some silence. "Shoot," she replied. "What did you mumble- when were at the bake sale and I was wiping off your face?" I asked. Susie went quiet for a moment. "There's... no easy way out of this one, is there?" she smiled sheepishly. "What do you mean?" "So, um- when I asked you why you were so close to my face-" "Mhm?" "-And you uh- said you were just wiping the chocolate off-" "Yeah...?" "-I um- kinda- sorta... said there were other ways you could wipe it off..." she confessed. "And what would that entail?" I asked, before she pulled me closer and immediately kissed me deeply, gasping for air in between each. From each kiss, our breathing got heavier. We broke apart to catch our breaths. "It- um- would entail that," she said nervously. "God, if Kris were here, they'd be going feral," I chuckled. "Feral? Try rabid," Susie said. I looked away for a moment... remembering all I thought about today. 

"Y/n? What's wrong? You've been kinda distant since we met up at the cotton candy stand," Susie noticed. "I don't know, I just feel so... unmatched? It's just- I know we're already dating and Noelle is the bad guy in the story but, I feel like she was right... about me not deserving you. I mean, I suddenly dropped out of the sky and had feelings for someone amazing and wonderful to be around like you, and completely wrecked Noelle's chances, even though I'm not perfect like Noelle is, you still-" I said. 

"No. Do NOT put yourself down like that. I never liked Noelle, even before you came. I just thought she was pitying me for everyone else hating me... so I never told her how uncomfy some things she said were. But when I genuinely fell in love with you... that had to be the absolute best thing, in all my 16 years of living, that ever happened to me, and I am not about to let you compare yourself to someone who DRUGGED you because I liked the best person in the entire world over them. And no bribery or brainwashing will ever shake that fact from my mind, because I LOVE you, Y/n. I love you more than anything in the world." I sat there for a moment before I hugged Susie tightly. "I love you more, Susie." I smiled. We hugged each other for a few minutes before I turned to the Ferris wheel. 

"Y'know, I saw an ad for this in the city," I said. "Really?" Susie responded. "Yeah, I wanted to take you on it from the moment you saw it in the fields, but I didn't know where it is..." "Well, it's here now, wanna go on?" I took her hand and we got into one of the gondolas and the ride started up. 

"Wow... is the view just-" "Beautiful? Yeah, it reminds me of you." she smiled at me. We admired the view before Susie started snickering. "What's so funny?" I giggled. "I just remembered something funny-" she laughed. "Well c'mon! Do tell!" I said. "So, *snicker* one time, we were in gym class, and *snicker* Noelle was on the opposite team as me, and Kris was on mine, but we also had Berdly. Catti got Berdly out, so it was just me, Kris, Noelle, and Catti. So, I whipped the ball at Catti, but she ducked, so it hit Noelle RIGHT in the face!" Susie laughed. "I CAN, IMAGINE THE 'OOOH' NOISES RIGHT NOW AND IT IS SO FUNNY." "YEAH! AND I DIDN'T REALLY LAUGH BECAUSE SHE WAS THE ONLY ONE NICE TO ME." "I would've at LEAST giggled. EVEN A LITTTTTLE CHUCKLE." "I KNOW RIGHT? AND NOW I KINDA WISH I DID.." she said. "At least now you'll have other opportunities." "Yeah but they had to cancel the game, her face was SUPER swollen..." "YIKES!" I giggled. 

We went quiet for a moment before Susie piped up again. "Question," "What is it?" "When... when did you actually, fall in love with me? Y'know cuz, I don't think you did while I was holding you by the collar when we first met," she chuckled dryly. "It um- was actually quicker than you think, it was when you wanted me to trust you- before we jumped off that cliff and met Ralsei. You made yourself before that seem like you hated me, when you really didn't in the end," I held her hand. "Really?" "Yeah, when did you?" "Believe it or not, it was the same time." "REALLY??" "YEAH, I'M SERIOUS." "It's just kinda hard to believe because you made it out to seem like you really hated me..." "What? Are you serious? I was basically head over heels for you, I just didn't want to get rejected so I acted like I wasn't." "Well, I'm glad you were true to yourself in the end," I smiled. "Me too," 

"I love you so much, Y/n L/n." 

"I love you way more, Susie."

Eventually, the ride ended and there was nowhere else to go but down. We spotted Kris and Ralsei waiting over there. "Welp, looks like the only way is down," Susie said. "After you, Susie," I pretended to curtsy. "Oh, you are too kind, Y/n L/n," Susie bowed back. She jumped off and landed on Ralsei, before I followed and landed right on top of her.


(Kris' POV)

Ralsei and I waited a bit after leaving the acid pool before I heard screaming noises from above. I looked up to see Y/n and Susie falling from above. Susie landed on Ralsei and Y/n landed on on top of her. "Took you guys long enough, what were you doing, making out?" I asked. They both looked at each other and then back at me. "Maybe a little-?" Susie shrugged. "Oh my god, did you guys even get Noelle to Berdly?" I facepalmed. "Uh, no, she wasn't in her room when we got there," Y/n said. "So where could she be?" I asked. We went silent in realization. "There's... kinda only two outcomes..." I said slowly. "Either Berdly saved Noelle earlier..." Susie dragged out. "Or... Queen has both of them."  We walked up the stairs to meet another trash guy who asked us if we recruited everyone. I saved and checked if any recruits were missing and there were a few Werewires in the Cyber Fields that had to be recruited. "Shit!" I exclaimed. "Well, we can just quickly recruit 'em and save Berdly and *cough* Noelle before Queen ends the world! No biggie right?" Y/n thought aloud. "Welp, we better get going now," I said.

.timeskip brought to you by Noelle's horrible excuse to be mad at you.

We finally got back to where we were and fought off the Werewerewire that jumped us as soon as we got back. Susie quickly went into Noelle's room again to steal her statue of her. "What? She doesn't deserve a statue of me, I deserve a statue of me!" Susie protested. After passing those wire current things again, we FINALLY found Queen. "There she is!!" Susie called out. We ran up to her. "QUEEN!! STOP RIGHT THERE!!!" Susie pointed at her. "Ah My Sweet Idiot Children You Are Just In Time To Witness My World Domination, With Noelle In My Possession, It Is Only A Matter Of Time Before Her Will Turns And She Unleashes Her Power, Blanketing The World In-" "Too late, dumbass!" "Noelle's with Berdly!" Y/n and Susie interrupted Queen, high-fiving. "Oh- Then Who This?" she asked. She then revealed Berdly attached to a control wire. "B-Berdly?! But he's been-" "Intercepted, My Control Plugs Are Now Suitable For Teenagers, Now The Whole Family Can Enjoy Servitude" she laughed cruelly. "Wait, then Noelle is..." I asked. Queen laughed even more cruelly. "Enough already!" Susie said. We summoned our weapons ready to fight. "Oh Dear, I Do Sincerely Like You Three- It Will Be A Shame To Force You To Serve Me-" she giggled.

"An Enjoyable Shame."


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