Breaking and Re-entering.

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(Y/n's POV)

I woke up suddenly, panting and looking around my room. It was still night. I sighed with relief when I glanced at Susie next to me, arms hugging my waist. Her hair was covering her face and she was snoring softly.  I slowly sat up and rubbed my face. "Was that dream a dream...? Or was it another vision like last night...?" I thought. I closed my eyes and tried to remember the dream again. We were back in the Dark World fighting some... weird jester guy on one of the unchecked floors in Card Castle. All of us got downed and I heard nothing but garbage noise... and these hand symbols appeared. I don't know what any of it means but- "Y/n?" I heard someone groan. I snapped my head around to see Susie awake. "Oh, Suz. It's just you." I sighed. "Suz? Is that my new nickname?" she smiled, chuckling. "Mayyybe. What you don't like it?" I asked. "No, no, I love it." she sat up. "Not as much as I love you." I rested my head on her shoulder. She blushed as she rested her head on mine. "You know, I never thought, like not in a million years, that this would ever happen to me." she held my hand. "That what would never happen to you?" I asked. "That we'd end up like this." she turned to me. "I mean, my entire life, people would tell me that I was weird, and everyone should stay away from me. I mean when I went to school, I barely had any friends because all the kids would bully me. So I started bullying them back, so I could push everyone away. By the time I met you, I thought you'd be afraid too, until our little adventure yesterday. I fell for you- so hard, and by the way everyone's been hating me, I just thought you would too." she confessed. "Well, in reality, I had a dream that morning. I met both you and Kris and we fell into the Dark World, just like yesterday. And when I saw you in real life, I felt this, this spark. That sooner or later, we'd be way closer than what it seemed." I said. "Really?" her eyes lit up. "Yeah, yeah in fact, that's why I was so urgent to be with you all the time. Because I really, really didn't want to lose what I had with you." I turned to her. She leaned in and we kissed. I sat on her lap and wrapped my legs around her. We broke apart and turned to see Kris standing there in ABSOLUTE AWE. 

"WHAT. THE. FLYING FANFICTION. FUCK." they said slowly. I quickly got off of Susie as we both looked away in embarrassment. "HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN FUCKING WATCHING US??!" Susie asked. "LONG ENOUGH FOR HEAR THE MOST FANFIC ASS CONVERSATION AND SEE YOU TWO KISS." they screamed. "YOU GUYS REALLY, DIDN'T THINK IT WAS A GOOD IDEA, TO TELL ME YOU WERE DATING?? NOT EVEN A LITTLE 'oh heh, by the way, we confessed our love to each other and we're dating el oh el'???!" they asked dramatically. "YOU WERE ALREADY BLACKED OUT IN THE FORT BEFORE WE COULD TELL YOU?"  I said. "My feelings are hurt," they folded their arms. "I'm sorry for not telling you." I apologized. "Heh, I was kidding with you guys, now why the hell are you guys up this late? Just making out?" they asked. "I dunno. Y/n woke me up actually, I felt them get up." she said. They both turned to me like they wanted to know why I was up. "Oh, uh- I just- had this really weird dream." I said. "About what?" Kris asked. "There's something in the Card Castle we didn't see yet." I said. "Well what are we waiting for let's go!" Kris said rushing to the bathroom. "Wait, how are we supposed to go back? The- the school is locked and even if we  do get in somehow, how are we sure the Dark World is there anymore?" Susie stammered. "Well, I guess we're just gonna have to find out." I said. 


We changed into normal clothes and had a snack before we went out. We arrived at school and Susie jerked the handle. "Great. It's locked. Now what?" she asked. "We..." I pulled out the key to the school. "Are going to waltz right in." I unlocked the school and kicked the door open. "I still don't know how I managed to date you." Susie said in shock.  "And I'm so glad I'm dating you." I smiled. She started blushing. "How did you get the key?" Kris asked. "Alphys must've dropped it when she came to look for us or something." I shrugged. "Yeah, maybe, now let's go, Undyne's probably on patrol right now," Kris said. "At NIGHT??" I asked, confusedly. Susie and I turned on our flashlights but Kris' wasn't working. "Yeah, no crimes actually happen in Hometown, but we're literally breaking and entering into school to hang out in a closet world." they hit their flashlight and it turned on. "More like breaking and re-entering." Susie chuckled. "Okay, there's the closet. Now, time to see if-" My vision started to get blurry and my legs got wobbly. "Hey, hey, Y/n are you okay?" Susie rushed over to me. I was unable to answer and knew I was gonna black out soon. But how the hell did I get drugged?? Unless- I should've never eaten that mint she gave me. I almost collapsed and hit my head on the floor but Susie caught me. "Kris?? What's going on?!" I heard Susie ask. "We need to get her to Ralsei, hopefully he can fix this." they said. Then I blacked out.

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