From Battle To Capture.

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(Susie's POV)

After moving our location for scheming, we were stuck on a puzzle. "Ugh, how are we supposed to get out now?" I groaned. "Let me try." Y/n said. They pressed the switch button, then put in spade, diamond, spade, but it came out as tree-looking thingy, heart, tree-looking thingy. "How- how did you do that?" I asked. "It was simple really. Let's go, we have lots of scheming to catch up on." they said. "Heheh, alright Y/n!" I cheered on. After doing another puzzle, we found a bake sale. "Y/n!!" I called. "Hm?" they answered. "Can you please buy us some choco diamonds??" I begged. "Oh fine. But if Kris wonders why money is missing from our inventory, you tell them why." they said. They bought them and gave them to us. "Thank you!" Lancer smiled. "You're welcome." they smiled back. I ate the entire thing in one bite and Y/n stared at me in shock. "What?" I asked. "I know you didn't just eat that without chewing it." they said. "Uhhh-" I looked around. "Ugh, come here." they said. They walked to one of the stands and got some napkins. They cradled my face and brought it closer to theirs so they could reach me. I started blushing really hard. "Did you use the chocolate as lipstick or something?" they asked.  "N-no." I stuttered. "What's wrong Susie? Can't handle being this close to my face?~" they teased. My face went red and I was basically speechless. "I- YES! YES I CAN. SHUT UP! WHY ARE YOU SO CLOSE TO MY FACE ANYWAY?!" I asked. "So I can wipe the chocolate off, duh." they said. "There are other ways you could wipe it off..." I mumbled. "Huh?" they asked. "I didn't say anything." I lied, trying to keep calm so I wouldn't give it away. "Okay." they said suspiciously. They let go of me and threw the tissue away. "There. Now, let's just-" While Y/n was talking, I ran over to the last bake sale stand and knocked out the guy, stuffing him in a bush. "Susie what are you doing." they asked. "Making money." I said taking out the boxes of cookies and putting them on the stand. "Ooh! Those are my Lancer Cookies!" Lancer said. I looked at the box which said "Lancer Cookies" on it in poor handwriting. "How much you wanna sell 'em for?" I asked. "40 D$." Y/n said. "God, you are evil." I said. We chilled at the stand waiting for someone to buy our stuff and Kris and ralsei came along.  "Greetings, gentleclowns, may we interest you in a Lancer Cookie?" Lancer proposed. "All proceeds go to kicking your ass." I agreed. "It's a mere 40G." Y/n said smugly. Kris and Ralsei looked at each other and bought it anyway. "Heheheheh, thanks... for GETTING CHEATED BY US!" I said. "Now we may fund our illicit plans!!" Lancer said rubbing his hands together. We ran to the Hearts Donuts stand, bought a donut, and started sharing it. Kris and Ralsei walked away leaving us by ourselves. "Okay, now that we've had a proper snack, let's go back to planning." Y/n said.


 We planned a little more, sneaked past Kris and Ralsei through the trees, and found this open space. "Okay, so for our awesome plan, we need a design. And who better to give us a design than our own enemies." I said. "So how to we get them to do it without them knowing we're using them?" Y/n asked. I looked around and then at Lancer. "With a disguise." I smirked. "I... don't follow." Y/n said confused. "Lancer dresses up as a little boy who needs help with a drawing, while me and you hide in that bush together. Once they're done, we run out, grab the blueprints and run off before they can blink." I said confidently. "Ah, I see." Y/n said. "Where's our disguise for him then?" they asked. "Uhhh I don't know-" I said. "Oh-oh! I know!" Lancer said. He pulled a fake mustache out of nowhere and stuck it on his face. "Perfect." I grinned. "Susie, what little boy do you know has a mustache?" they asked. "Shh! Don't worry about it- just get in the bush." I said. We both got in the bush and waited for Kris and Ralsei. "Oh, woe.. woe is me! Rows and Rows of woes and woes! I only a hero would help.." he said dramatically. "Lancer? Is everything alright..?" Ralsei asked. "Finally they're here." I whispered. 'Shut up!" Y/n whisper-yelled. "Oh, I'm not Lancer! I'm a sweet little boy!" he said. "Why does the sweet little boy have a mustache-?" Ralsei asked. "As a disguise," Lancer replied. "Shit." I facepalmed. "That is very helpful for your- you know what screw it," Kris said. "So what kinda help do you need?" Ralsei asked. "See, so I have this EVIL PLAN that I need to make.." he continued. "Why did you leave a CHILD up to this?" Y/n asked me. "I didn't hear YOU say anything was wrong!" I said. "And why would a "sweet boy" need an evil plan?" Ralsei asked interrupting them. "To impress his cool friends Susie and Y/n!!" he replied. "Awww, Susie, he looks up to us!" Y/n gushed. I smiled. "Kris, if it's for friendship.." Ralsei said. "I'm in," Kris said. "Well then, we'll gladly help. What shall we do?" Ralsei asked. "It's all on the paper, you delicious little apples, fill with the evilest thing you can imagine! Ho-ho-ho! Let the Clown-Generated-Content begin!" Lancer replied, bringing out a blueprint.

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