The Best (well my first-) Sleepover Ever.

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(Susie's POV)

I went upstairs with Y/n as they ran into their room. They sat on their bed clutching their pillow and burying it in their face. "Knock knock?" I waited at the door for them to let me in. They opened the door all the way then closed and locked it. "What is it." they said. "I just wanna know what I did wrong. I know something happened." I said. "Susie... there is SO SO much I want to tell you but I just. I just CAN'T." their voice started breaking. "Me too, just- please don't cry. I'm not really good at comforting." I confessed. "Remember when we were in Card Castle? And we felt like we were being watched?" they said. "Yeah? What about it?" I asked. "I think it was Noelle. I mean, why else would she suddenly appear at the old classroom we came out of FROM the Dark World? And why would she be cleaning unsupervised while all of the teachers and students are home?" they said. "That... that would be super weird. But I think you're right." I said. "Really? I thought you'd think I just have a grudge against Noelle for no reason." they chuckled. "I don't, but you definitely don't like her for some reason." I said. "Is stalking not enough?" they laughed. "I mean, yeah but it's something else." I said. "I um..." they wrapped their fingers around my hand and looked at me. "I-" Suddenly there was a knock at my door. "HELLO?? THE MOVIE'S ABOUT TO START! YOU GUYS SHOULD COME DOWN NOW!" Noelle said. "WE'RE TALKING RIGHT NOW. JUST START WITHOUT US!" I said. "You...?" I said. "I- You know what? I'll just tell you later." they said. "Oh okay. That's fine." I said. We went back downstairs and Noelle's eyes lit up when she saw me. "Oh Susie! You already missed the first 5 minutes of the movie! What were you guys doing up there?" she asked. "Uh, Y/n's here too. And uh, that's none of your business." I said. I plopped on the couch. Y/n plopped next to me. "Alright, let's start." I sighed. 

Basically at the end of the movie, there was no more food left and Y/n and I were basically sitting at the edge of the couch. "Don't go in there you stupid bitch!" I said. "50 bucks I say she dies." Kris said. "You can't do that! You know she's gonna die! You've probably watched this before!!" I exclaimed. "That can't happen, she's the main character! She has plot armor!" Y/n said. "Oh I just can't watch!-" Noelle covered her eyes. The killer ran out of the closet and sliced her throat. "FATALITY!!" I said dramatically. "Pay up Y/n." Kris smirked. "WHY?!" they exclaimed. "BECAUSE YOU LITERALLY THOUGHT SHE WAS GONNA LIVE!" Kris reminded. "I DIDN'T SAY BET." "YOU JUST DID." There was silence before Y/n tackled Kris and they started play fighting. Noelle turned to look at me and I just stared at her awkwardly. "Um... what?" I asked. "D-do you um- ever want to go out? Sometime?" she asked. "Um sorry but no. I got my eyes on someone else." I smiled at Y/n as they caught Kris in a headlock. "YEAH! BEAT THEIR ASS!" I cheered. "SIMP!" Kris called out. "Okay, we should do something else now, this movie is lowkey boring." Y/n said. They pulled out a bunch of board games and my eyes immediately went to the BEST OF THE BEST. MONOPOLY. "YOU GOT MONOPOLY?? WE PLAYIN THAT SHIT RIGHT NOW." I opened the box. "BETT I DIBS THE DUCK!" they called out. "I want the car." Kris grabbed it. "DINO IS MINE." I snatched it. "I guess I'll be the cat!" Noelle said. "Who wants to be banker?" Y/n asked. "I'll be banker." Kris said. "OKAY THEN SET UP!" I exclaimed. 

About an hour later, I had all the yellow plots, electric company, two railroads, and was about to buy Boardwalk. Y/n had the red and green plots, waterworks, and the other two railroads. Kris had orange plots, and Noelle had the pink plots. It was my turn to roll and I was 8 plots away from Boardwalk. "PLEASE DON'T BE AN 8." Y/n begged. "SHH YOU'RE GONNA RUIN MY LUCK!" I exclaimed. "WHAT LUCK? I HAVE MORE PLOTS THAN YOU!!" they pointed at their cards. I rolled the dice and got a 7. "HAHA! PAY YOUR TAXES!"  Kris giggled. "WHO AGREED FOR KRIS TO BE BANKER AGAIN??" I asked. "Salty." they teased. "BROOO I WAS SO CLOSE!" I groaned. It was Kris' turn and they were on Virginia Avenue. Just 2 away from jail. They rolled and got A 2!! "HAHA! KARMA BITCH!" I cackled. "THIS IS YOUR FAULT FOR BEING TRASH!!" Kris yelled. "NOO YOU JUST SUCK." I said. "LUCKILY I'M NOT FLAT BROKE LIKE YOU GUYS AND HAVE A 50 TO BAIL ME OUT." they smirked. "OKAY IT'S MY TURN NOW." Y/n said taking the dice. They were on the chance near Boardwalk. They rolled and got a 6. "OH PHEW, BOARDWALK STILL COULD BE MINE!!" I exclaimed. "Eh, at least I got a community chest." they shrugged. They picked up the top one and read it aloud. "Holiday fund matures. Receive $100." they smirked. "THAT WAS RIGGED." Kris folded their arms. "PAY UP KRIS!" I said. "I REFUSE. IN FACT, I'D LIKE TO MAKE A DEAL." they said. Oh no. I don't like the sound of this. "I will give Y/n 500 dollars IF you give Y/n a kiss on the cheek." they said. "I- UM-" I looked around. Noelle looked upset but then gave this fake smile when she saw me. Kris was sitting there deviously waiting for my decision. And Y/n... Y/n was just looking at their lap, fiddling with their fingers. "Sooo what'll it be? Gay or nay?" Kris cackled. "I-I'll do it."  I stammered, blushing furiously, which got worse when Y/n shot up and looked at me. "W-wait! Kris, this isn't quite following the rules, is it? I don't think they should-" Noelle stammered nervously. But for some reason, it sounded desperate. "Shhh, I'm recording." they held their phone. Noelle got up and sat on the furthest part of the couch. Normally, I would feel bad for her but it didn't matter right now. I scooted over to get closer to them and held their face in my hand. "Are you really doing this to give me money, or do you actually wanna kiss me?" they asked me. "Heh, take your pick." I chuckled. I went in for the kiss but they turned their face and I kissed them for real. My eyes went wide but I just melted under their touch. We broke apart for air and immediately turned around and started blushing. "UMM- NOT THE PLOT TWIST-- AT LEAST I GOT THAT RECORDED!!" Kris cheered. "Yeah, but it's so late right now, I think we should call it a night, we got PLANS tomorrow, right guys?" Y/n reminded us. "OH RIGHT! WE'RE GOING TO-" Kris shoved me and I remembered that Noelle was still in the room. "THAT UH- WE'RE GOING TO SCHOOL." I covered up. "I'll set up a fort for you and Noelle okay Kris?" Y/n said. "Um, actually, my mom called. She said I should go back home before 12." Noelle said. "Um, are you sure? It's pretty late, do you want me to walk you home?" Y/n asked. "I don't-" she stopped for a moment before turning around with a smile on her face. "Actually, sure." she said. "Okay, you guys set up the fort, I'll be back in a few minutes." they said. "Alright." I said. I ran and hugged em before Kris stepped up. "Y/n, wait up." they said. "Hm?" they hummed. They whispered something in their ear and looked at Noelle and then Kris again, then nodded. "Let's go!" Y/n said walking out with Noelle. "What the hell did you tell them??" I asked. "Noelle likes you Susie. She always has. And she knows you like Y/n but she's still persistent. And she won't stop until she gets what she wants." Kris explained. She does? Well I guess everything she's done today makes a lot more sense. "So?" "So, she might just threaten them." Kris said. "No. She wouldn't... right?" I said. Right..?

After a good 5 minutes of pacing, Y/n finally came back. "Y/n!" I ran towards them. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Uh, yeah? Why wouldn't I be?" they asked. "No reason." I shrugged. "Sooo are we gonna go to bed?" Kris asked. "Yeah, let's go." Y/n said.

We went up to their room and they tossed me some pajamas. "Thanks." I said. "Uh where's your bathroom?" I asked. They pulled a book out of their bookcase and a door opened up. "Right in there." they pointed. "That's actually so freaking cool." I said amazed. "Yeah, I got my mom to help me build it." they said. I went into the bathroom and put on their pajamas. Good thing they have oversized clothes or I wouldn't fit in em. I came out and flopped onto the mattress. "IT'S SO COMFY!!" I sighed. "I KNOW RIGHT!! AND THE PILLOWS ARE SCENTED!!" Kris inhaled the pillow. "God you guys are so weird." they laughed. "That makes all three of us." I said. Y/n turned off the light and jumped on their bed. "Do you guys... really think we'll be able to go back to the Dark World?" I asked. "I hope. Everything there was amazing." Y/n said. "Yeah, don't you think so too Kris?" I asked. I turned to see them fast asleep. "They asleep?" Y/n asked. "Yup." I chuckled. "Not surprised. They were way more energetic than usual." they said. It was quiet for a moment. "Y/n?" "Yeah?" "Can I... come up there?" I asked. "Yeah." they said. I eased my way out of the fort so I wouldn't break it and lied next to them on their bed. "You know, all the moments I had with you in the Dark World, they just feel like- like a dream." they said. "Why?" I asked. They sat up and I sat up too. "Maybe because, I didn't expect my feelings towards you to change so drastically." they said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Susie- I- you know what? Fuck it." they said. They grabbed my hand then pulled my collar and kissed me. Again. It just felt so much more genuine and not forced. I melted into the kiss and we broke apart for air. I sat there shocked. "Susie I am so so fucking in love with you and every second I'm with you I finally feel like myself and I just feel like nothing compared to Noelle who you've known for ages because you barely know me and I just wanted to get this off my chest so you can reject me and I can live knowing I've finally told you because oh my god, when I tell you you are the most amazingly talented and funny person I've ever met, I really really mean it and everything I said in the Dark World is true and I know this is just so sudden but I couldn't take it any longer." they said really quickly. "Y/n? I- I never liked Noelle like that." I told them. I was basically speechless. I love them so much and always needed to hear these words. "What do you mean?" they asked. I pulled them this time and kissed them deeply. "I mean, I love you too Y/n. And it was always so hard to tell you because I've never felt this way before, or expected to ever hear those words towards me ever. It was always you consuming my thoughts and feelings, making me feel loved and needed, and not hating me entirely like everyone else." I confessed. "And in your defense, time in the Dark World and in Hometown are very different. Just from the field to the forest felt like days. So I really really wanna be something with you. If you're comfortable." I said. They hugged me tightly. "Of course I do. I love you Susie." they giggled. "I love you too Y/n. More than you could ever know." I chuckled. They kissed me on the forehead and wrapped their arms around my back. I placed my hands in their hair and played with it as I fell asleep.


Maybe I was wrong.

Maybe I am capable of being loved.

((A/N: hehe more heart wrenching one liners))

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