A New Dark World, Huh?

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(Y/n's POV)

Kris jumped into the void after they PUSHED ME IN. I was pretty excited about what this new Dark World had in store for us. After landing, we seemed to be in some cybernetic-looking place. "This is new," Susie said looking around. "New indeed," Kris looked around too. "It's almost overbearing."  I shrugged and we went down the path to see what else was out there. Kris saved in front of a slope and we slid down it. Blue wires were hanging from the sky. Down the slope was a little pink darkner. We walked up to it. "The wires... the wires..." After a few more slopes we found more of them. "Everyone was..." one said. "E-everyone else has..." another said. "S-save us... she's going to..." one more said. "Going to what?" I asked. It just stood there trembling. Then suddenly we heard a familiar voice. "Somebody help me..." the voice called out. We turned around to find it was Noelle. That bitch ass stalker came back. Again. "Somebody, please.." she called again. She looked up at us. "Susie??" she said surprised. "Uh we're not helping you if you were the last person on Earth," I gave her a dirty look. We all just flipped her off as she was taken by an electric cage. "Good for her." Susie frowned. Then we heard laughter coming from our left. A robot-looking woman on a rocket throne appeared out of nowhere.


"Hell Of A Study Session" she said. "Who the hell are you?!" Susie asked flabbergasted. "I Am Known As Serial Number Q5U4EX7YY2E9N But You Foolish Children May Call Me 'Queen'" she said before taking a sip from her wine glass. "Did this Dark World take us to the Matrix or something??" I asked confused. "Heh, like we're gonna call YOU, 'Queen,' 'Q5U...3...7...' uh...." Susie said forgetting her name immediately. "'Queen'" she said. "Well LOOK, 'Queen'. We're not 'children!'." Susie corrected. "Susie we are literally in highscho-" "NOT HELPING KRIS." she said interrupting them. "Teens Are Merely Big Children And Adults Are Even Bigger Children" she explained. "Doesn't that make you a child too then?" I said. "No I Am: A Computer (Smart)" she continued. "..computer??" Susie scratched her head. "She's like... a super hot version of like the Terminator..." I said. Kris and Susie turned to me like I had said a racial slur. "OH COME ON. YOU CAN'T TELL ME I'M WRONG!" I gestured towards Queen. "Well Thank You For The Stimuli But I Must Leave Now (Goodbye)" she said flying away. "Wait! The hell you want Noelle for? She's practically a horrible person," Susie asked. She flew back into our view. "I Would Have Captured You Too But I Ran Out Of Cages" she giggled?? Can computers giggle?? It sounded like a giggle. "The hell would you capture US for??" I asked. "So That You All May Become One Of My Willing Peons In My Quest For World Domination... Also Maybe Make Your Faces Into Robot Ones?" she explained. "What?! Why?!" Susie asked. "Seems Cool" she shrugged. "Well, FORGET it dude. Nobody's turning anyone's face into a robot!" Susie said. "Could That Be A Statement Of Animous Dissension" Queen asked. "What the hell does that mean??" Kris asked. "You Wanna Fight, Losers" she laughed. "YES!!! YES ALREADY, YES!!!" Susie said summoning and slashing the air with her axe. "Oh Then Bye" she said leaving again. "WAIT! A GODDAMN!! SECOND!!" Susie said slashing faster. "I Have No Time For Such Frivolities (And Would Kick Your Ass) But Perhaps Someone Else Could Entertain You" she thought out loud. Right after the wires hanging from the sky came down onto those pink darkners. They started shaking and turned into some werewolf electric creature. "Enjoy: Your Assimilation" she said before laughing.


* Werewires swung in!

"Alright, which one of you wants to be thrown at it." Susie asked. "I'll go. Y/n you spare them as I cut the wires." Kris explained. "Sounds like a plan!" I agreed. Susie threw them directly at the wires and they cut both of them.

* The wires greatly loosened!

They attacked us with electric beams and sparks, but none of us were hit.

* Smells like ozone.

* The wires greatly loosened!

* Y/n spared Werewire!


* Werewire dusts sparkles off its shoulders.

* Kris spared Werewire!

* You WON! Got 0 EXP and 184 D$.

"Phew, nice fighting again after last night." Susie said. "Was much easier too." Kris said. "Heh, yeah. Now let's go catch up to Queen!" Susie exclaimed. Out of nowhere, 2 more Werewires came at us but were immediately spared. "How did that happen?" I said puzzled. "I just used my PACIFY spell to put them into 'Sleep Mode'!" we heard a familiar voice say. "Ralsei! You're here!" Susie said. "I felt a dark presence and hurried over! It seems a new Dark Fountain has appeared.." he said. "Guys, we're gonna have to find Noelle," Kris said. "WHAT!?" I exclaimed. "KRIS. YOU ARE AWARE SHE COULD'VE HURT Y/N RIGHT?" Susie said angrily.  "Yes, yes I know. But I know her more than anyone. She might've tried to drug Y/n, but if she dies, what would we say when the police arrive and we're the ones who come out of the Library last?" they explained. "Okay, you have a point." Susie agreed. "So, all we have to do is find her, seal the fountain, and then bring her to the police for drugging me last night." I planned aloud. "Yeah, yeah let's do that." Kris agreed. she trailed off. "Well, let's get going then!" Ralsei said. We did our team pose and continued down the path to find Queen and Noelle. There was another slope down the path, but while sliding down a robot with a speaker head tried to attack us with music beats. At the bottom of the slope was what the world REALLY looked like. "Wow... it's so pretty.." I sighed. "Is that a Ferris wheel in the over there?? WE GOTTA GO ON THAT!" Susie pointed. Kris saved up ahead and continued walking.


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