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(Kris' POV)

I CANNOT BELIEVE Y/N THINKS I LIKE BERDLY. AFTER ALL THE VIDEO GAMES WE PLAYED TOGETHER AND HIM BEING SALTY WHEN I WON??? HAHA, NO. THAT'S THE LASTTTT THING I'D EVER REFER TO BERDLY AS. We went down the alley in silence until we heard Queen's laughter. "Kris, it's Queen... she's right over there! C-can you two distract her somehow?" she begged. "Sure, but wait! What if you just drug her?" Y/n frowned. We walked up to Queen and she was sipping from her wine glass looking tipsy as hell. "Oh- Lmao- You're Here-" she said before laughing. "Sorry While I've Been Looking For Noelle, I've Had Like 4 Of These All-Ages Appropriate Glasses Of Pure Battery Acid" she slurred. "I-I think you should put that dow-" Y/n said concerned before Queen violently threw her glass at the ground. We both looked confusedly and concernedly at Queen as she laughed. "Don't Worry That Was My Throwing Glass It's Safe" she assured. "Look You Two, Both Of You, Now That We Are Trucies I Feel Like We Are On The Same- Mathematical Wavelength." she said walking up to us. She started leaning on us. "You Both Get Me, You Both Do Not Do Crazy Things Like 'Have Opinions' Or Scream When I Capture You Or Telling Me Horrible Ideas For Smartboy Theme Park. I Just Cannot Compute It, Why Everyone Else Is So... Ungrateful." she wondered aloud. She took another glass of battery acid and threw it on the ground but it exploded this time. "Whoops That Was My Super Dangerous Glass" she said. "Kris, Y/n, I Just Want To Make Everyone Smile, And IF I Become An Evil Villain To Accomplish That, Is That Bad?" she asked. We both glanced at each other confused. "It's Okay, You Do Not Have To Answer, You Would Be Wrong" she laughed. "But You Two... While We're Still Trucies, Maybe We Could... Make The Most Of It..." she said before a smaller version of the arcade game from earlier dropped from the sky. "We Could Play That Game Again... Wasn't That Fun... You Two? Just Us, Having A Good Time, No One Else To Get In The Way-" she said before a- um... statue of Berdly... with nipples... and Queen hanging from his muscles... fell from the sky. And Berdly with it. "Queen!! I've been looking everywhere for you to show you this!! A monument to our greatness... together." he exclaimed. Queen looked at it nervously. "Oh- Um- Oh- Uh- It- It's- Oh- Well- Um- Mm- It's- How Do I Put This- It's Very... Smart. So Smart You Are- I Love Tolerating You-" she stuttered with 'lying' on her visor. "Haha! I KNEW you'd be enamored. Such perfect taste." Berdly flattered himself. "Very Cool Statues- I Did Not Know You Had... Nipples..." she said sounding like she was gonna throw up. "Haha, I will SOON... In our IDEAL WORLD." he said. "Kris, Y/n, feel free to admire our artisanship." he said turning towards us. "Mhm. Yeah. Will- do." Y/n said trying not to laugh. "Good. Queen and I have plans to consider." he said. "Haha Yes Oooh So Looking Forward To That- MMmm Yum Yum Yum Yum- Let's Go Burghley." she said turning to walk away. Berdly started to walk down the alley while Queen pretended to walk after him. "Keep Going I Am Right Behind You, Procedurally Lowering The Volume Of My Voice" she lied. She turned around quickly and walked up to us. "Sorry You Two I Must Alt Tab Out Of Here" she said before walking past Noelle with a box with a robot face scribbled on it on her head. "Wow Cool Face" she said while passing her. Noelle (somehow) walked up to us. 


"Phew... Looks like my disguise worked." she sighed taking the box off her head. Y/n looked like they were about to explode into laughter. "Yeah it worked alright," Y/n snickered. "Oh shut up. Queen isn't that smart," she rolled her eyes and put it back on. "She's smarter than that 5 Minute Crafts disguise," I folded my arms. "Ugh," Noelle growled. We started walking when Noelle tripped over Berdly's statue since she couldn't see with the disguise on. WE BURSTED OUT LAUGHING, definitely to Noelle's dismay. She got up, took off the "disguise", dusted off her clothes, then stormed off. Up ahead was Sweet, Cap'n, and K_K playing music and selling more CD Bagels. Our inventory was basically full so we decided to leave it alone for now. I saved in front of them and we continued on our journey.  We walked around looking for a way out and saw a tea shop. "Ooh tea? Kris can we go?" Y/n asked pointing at the Addison. "Sure, we need more healing items anyway," I said. They ran over to the Addison. "This is the HOTTEST tea shop! HOT HOT HOT! 50% OFF! For $100, choose your own FLAVOUR!" they said pointing to the menu. The menu had our names next to tea. We bought 3 Y/n Teas, 3 Kris Teas, and 3 Noelle Teas.  "Okay okay who's should we try first?" I asked. "How about yours?" Y/n asked. We all took a sip of my tea and mine tasted like water. "It tastes like water." I said looking in the cup. "What do you mean? For me it tastes like... wait is that whipped cream??" Y/n said before taking another sip. I smiled. Y/n is a super great friend. Susie kinda does have good taste. "Tastes dead. Huh! Kinda like our friendship don'tcha think?" Noelle fake smiled. "Huh! I wonder how bad yours must taste then!" Y/n defended. I guess Noelle is used to all these clapbacks, because she didn't even react. "Let's try Y/n's now." I said taking it out. "I'd rather not, I don't really like the taste of annoying bitch in my mouth," Noelle sighed dramatically. "Hard to believe that since you must be used to your taste already hm?" I said back. She probably expected that out of Y/n but definitely not me. We all took a sip of Y/n's tea and it tastes like cotton candy. "Tastes like cotton candy," I said. "Huh that's funny, mine tastes like water." Y/n said before throwing the teacup behind her. Noelle gagged. "It tastes... like shit," Noelle said. Y/n looked at her funny but didn't say anything about it. Noelle looked around as if we were missing something. "What? What is it?" I asked. "You really think we were gonna drink yours?" Y/n asked. They threw it in the garbage. "If anything it's probably spiked," they said. I quickly caught up to them as Noelle followed behind. "I wonder what Susie and Ralsei's tastes like. Too bad they aren't here so we can't get them till they are." I said. "Susie's probably tastes like Devil's food cake. Just pure rich chocolate taste," Y/n said. "Really? I was thinking it would be vanilla," I replied. "Well, maybe whe when we find em, we can go back and let them try ours, and try theirs," they said. We went back the way we came and went forward into a battle with a Werewire. 

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