💜 Nothing Is Forever

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Third Person's POV

Jeon Jungkook is one of the Journalist for the school's paper, at the top of the list actually. He finds scoops faster than lightning bolts flashed through the sky. But of course, scoops that has nothing to do with someone's personal life. That would be a bad image for him.

It was nearing the second week of February, which meant the Valentine Ball was coming up, everyone was excited for this event. The Prom committee was busy preparing the basketball court for the Ball which earned groans and complaints from the basketball team since they can't practice anymore.

And of course, Jungkook was there, looking for something interesting to put in this week's edition of FWU'S The Catalyst. But so far, there was nothing interesting in this side of the campus.


Kim Taehyung is one of the popular kids in the campus. Most popular, actually. Swooned by many, girls and boys alike, they wanted to be V's (his Popular Nickname) date to the Ball.

"V! Tell me, who do you have in mind for your date to the ball? Everyone here is dying to know." one of the school's journalists asked. V chuckled before he answered, "Oh, um. Actually, I do have one person in mind, but you all will have to wait for February 13th to find out who" he smiled his famous square-shaped smile and turned to leave. His fangirls, and fanboys, squealed in delight, who would V take to the Ball?


February 13, the 2nd date every student was looking forward to (First one was the Ball, obviously). Jungkook was even there, seeing what was all the commotion in front of the school's main building. As a journalist, Jungkook's job was to butt in on everybody's business. Especially those people who were the school's pride and glory. (aka Popular kids, Rich kids, Sons and Daughters of Political Persons, Athelets etc.)

V was standing on a built platform whie smiling at everyone, the journalists were taking pictures of him and some were noting the event. Jungkook was at the back, focusing his DSLR camera on V taking quick snapshots of him and the scenery. Since Jungkook (for the first time in history) was the last one to know about V announcing who will be his Valentine Date for tomorrow's event.

"Hello everyone!" V greeted which earned giggles and screams from his fans, "I would like to thank everyone for coming here today, even though the teachers will probably kill me later, I still thank you all" the students laughed, including Jungkook.

"First of all, I would like to call on my team's attention." Everyone turned to Bangtan, V's group. The members looked at each other, confused. "Yeah, hey idiots come up here already, you missed your cue!" V shouted at them,

"Oh, but I thought you said the cue would be asdfghjkl-" Hoseok, J-Hope, immediately covered Jimin's mouth and dragged him towards the platform. The students laughed as they watched the 'HopeMin' couple fight on-stage. Some were screaming "HopeMin!" in which J-Hope and Jimin replied with disgust etched on their faces, well at least in Jimin's.

"And second-ly. I would like to call my best friend on stage." and again, everyone turned to the boy at the back, busy fidgeting with his camera, changing the lens. He looked up and saw the students looking at him, he looked further and saw V smiling at him, motioning for him to come on stage, and at the back, V and his group were wearing sinister smiles, like they were planning on killing their maknae. 'Bunch of lunatics', he muttered to himself.

And to his realization that everyone was still looking at him, Jungkook blushed a little because of embarrassment. Jungkook is used to looking at people, not people looking at him. He clearly doesn't like popularity.

"Jungkook, you coming or not?" V asked, slightly pouting at the younger. Jungkook gave him a poker face before raising his thumb for an okay. He jogged towards the platform, still clutching his DSLR camera.

"I have a job to do, Tae. What do you want?" Jungkook glared at Taehyung, "Aw, you're so cute when you're mad." then the older pinched his best friend's cheek. Taehyung grabs hold of Jungkook's camera and passed it to Jin, "Hey-! Better take care of that camera, Seokjin."

"Manners, Jungkook" and then smiled with his pink, puffy cheeks. Why am I even friends with these idiots?

Taehyung suddenly grabbed Jungkook's hand and moved towards the center of the platform. What is this Alien thinking?

"Jungkook... I... uh, I prepared a speech. i-It's- where is- oh, here!"

Jungkook made another poker face at Taehyung, the older smiled sheepishly and let's go of Jungkook's hand, holding the paper with both.

Taehyung lets out a deep sigh before he begins reading...


I was two years old when I first saw you, the day promised to our parents that I would protect you forever. I was five years old when you came to me, crying, saying that you hurt your knee, then I kissed your wound, you said I always make you feel better. I was seven years old when you were crying backstage before performing your kindergarten play, I hugged you and said that everything's fine and you smiled at me, you said I was the best hyung you had. I was ten years old when you were placed 2nd at a singing contest but I told you you were number one in my heart, you hugged me and said I was a star in your heart, too. I was thirteen years old when you told me you had a crush which silently broke my heart but still managing to love you with the broken pieces. I was sixteen years old when your parents bought you your first camera and you told me that this was your passion and you wanted me to be the first picture to remember me always. And here I am now, nineteen, standing in front of you, reading this random stupidity I wrote last night. Kookie, you're my best friend, partner in crime, my other half. I promised you forever when you barely even opened your eyes. I love you, Jeon Jungkook. Nothing is permanent in this world, Jungkook. Nothing is forever-

Taehyung looked up to see a teary-eyed Jungkook, smiling from ear to ear, waiting for Taehyung to end his speech. Taehyung held Jungkook's hand and brought to his chest, to his heart.

This heart beats for you, Jungkook. Only you. Will you be my nothing? Because I want you- us to last forever.

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