💜 I want you more than I hate you

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Jungkook glares at Taehyung from across the room. A score out of 40, Jungkook had one mark down because he forgot to put a damn degree sign on the seventh number. 49 fucking degrees Celsius is the answer, the calculations were accurate, it's just that Jungkook got distracted when he was answering this number. Jungkook remembers correctly that Taehyung asked to borrow his liquid eraser since he forgot to bring his.

Jungkook blames Taehyung for the low mark.

"Congratulations to Kim Taehyung for earning the highest mark! A perfect score!" Their teacher announces. If Jungkook's blood did not boil earlier, it sure as hell is now.

Ever since these two had transferred from Daegu, they already had this hatred for each other. Yes, they came from the same school from another city in another part of South Korea. What are the odds that, two years later, they were still in the same school in another city in another part of South Korea. On their fourth year level of high school, Jeon Jungkook enrolled as a new student for the upcoming school year. Two weeks after the start of school, Kim Taehyung also transferred into the school Jungkook went in.

It's as if this was planned, like Taehyung wanted to follow Jungkook.

And now, on their sixth year level of high school, they continue to compete with each other. Academics, athletics, the 'who-gets-to-class-earliest', the presidential race, and all that shit.

Jungkook hates Taehyung and the feeling is mutual.

"How does it feel to have your grade lower than mine, Jeon?" Taehyung smirks, sitting atop Jungkook's desk, his punchable (as usual) face makes Jungkook want to smack it on the concrete flat. Jungkook only scoffs and rolls his eyes, holding down his fist that he's itching to throw at Taehyung. "You just got lucky, Tae." He bites back.

Even with their rivalry towards each other, some people can't help but think that Jungkook and Taehyung look good together; like couple-shit. Every single day, they would be teased that they should date instead. Once, people teased them, Taehyung responded to them by kissing Jungkook's cheek, the people screamed because they definitely ship it. Jungkook was so red, he had to run out of the classroom.

"Aw, come on, babe. Don't be such a bad sport. Congratulate me."

"Well, congratulations," Jungkook doesn't mean it. "I hope you choke on that." He murmurs the last part but enough for Taehyung to hear. He doesn't know when this loathing-thing with each other started, but he thinks it wouldn't be ending any time soon. Taehyung's been having way too much fun. And to be honest, it's also already taken a toll on Jungkook.


"You really, really, really look cute together. Seriously." Jimin squeals while showing Jungkook pictures of him and Taehyung together which was quite a lot, considering they have a mini fan club of Taekook shippers; of course, with their ever-squishy president Park Jimin aka Jungkook's fan boy and closest friend.

Jungkook looks like he doesn't give a shit, but secretly diverts his attention once Jimin scrolls to a new picture. There's this one particular photo wherein they were side-by-side after winning a volleyball game (he and Taehyung are both on the school team), Taehyung stares at him with so, so much emotion while Jungkook had his gaze off to somewhere else. Jungkook wanted to look at that photo longer but Jimin already scrolls to another. He doesn't want to make Jimin think that he suddenly is so interested in a picture of him and Taehyung together.

"Hyung," Jungkook starts, "you know that Taehyung and I don't look at each other like that." For some reason, there's sadness in Jungkook's voice, remembering what had happened back in Daegu. Jimin snorts, "'Don't look at each other like that?' Yeah, not anymore." Earning a painful slap from Jungkook on the arm, the older boy hisses. "Hyung, quiet down, someone might hear." Jungkook warns him and scans around the classroom. Jimin giggles at that, "You still get flustered when I talk about him like that."

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