💜 Kisses

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Kiss on the Hand: I adore you

Practicing for the school play was hard work today. Especially when you're the director of it. Why did I take up such a challenging role, you may ask? It's because one, I am the theater club vice-president and two, our club adviser is away for a school conference. Then, our president can't come to help manage either because she's the student body president as well.

Should've just listened to Hoseok-hyung and went on with the auditions for hip-hop class.

"Jungkook-sunbaenim, what should we do with the backdrop?"

"Jungkook-sunbaenim, how about the costumes for scene 12?"

"Jungkook-sunbaenim, which of these do you think will be best for the lighting?"

"Jungkook-sunbaenim, can I take you on a date?"

And much more questions than I could comprehend. I rubbed my temples hoping my headache would go away. The club members' voices rang in my ears and I just wish they would stop to let me breathe for a moment. Just then I heard a deep chuckle, "Okay, guys. Break it up. There's still other days, yeah?" I sighed in relief, silently thanking Taehyung for saving me from drowning into a sea of questions.

"Hey, Tae." I greeted with what's left of my energy to speak. I'm really tired after today's classes and rehearsals. "You okay, Kook?" he asked, holding my hand and massaging it gently. "You're turning pale, did you overwork yourself again?" I wanted to lie but this is Taehyung we are talking about here, the person who knows me better than myself. I smile tiredly at his concern wanting to show him I was slightly fine and he didn't have to worry too much.

Taehyung sighed and rolled his eyes at me, I know he's pissed because I'm not taking care of myself again. I recall when I told him I'd be managing the theater club for the spring-end presentation we were going to do for a fund raising for the school and he continuously told me to drop the position being director. "I told you drop this director thing and you just wouldn't listen." He nagged. Here we go again.

I giggled.

"What's so funny?"

"You're like my mom and Jin-hyung now."

"Is it bad that I care for my Jungkook?" What?

"Hm, thanks." I smiled and he held my hand tighter. "Let's go home. I'm really tired." I said standing up from my seat, him pulling me up. He suddenly, but slowly, pressed his lips at the back of my hand, saying, "I admire you very much, Kookie. You're a very diligent person even if it costs you your health and I nagging you; but when I nag, please don't ever get mad at me because I care for you, okay?"

Kiss on the Forehead: We're cute together

Taehyung pulled up in front of my house at 8:31 in the evening since there was a traffic jam near our school and it took more than half an hour for us to move. I unbuckled my seatbelt about to open the passenger's seat door when Taehyung opened it for me, so I thanked him and stepped out his car. He walked me towards the front porch and the atmosphere became silent as he stared into my eyes and I, his.

"Jungkook, I-" blushes, obviously trying to say something but was holding back, cute. I tilt my head to the side, questioning him non-verbally and I slightly giggled to let him know that he should go on. He chuckles and ruffles my hair, "Nothing," he smiles and I couldn't help but smile back. That unexplainable happiness I get when I'm with him overwhelms me that fatigue almost, completely washes away and I don't feel like I'm gonna pass out any second. I'm feeling butterflies again.

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