💜 You could be my only star

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They say if you wish on nine stars each night in nine consecutive days, your wish will come true. So is that why Jeon Jungkook is here counting stars again? This is his second night hoping, praying, wishing for something to happen because he's just that hopeless romantic kind of person.

"Eight... nine." He sighs after he counts his stars for the night. He closes his eyes, then he makes his wish.

"I wish for Min Yoongi to notice my feelings for him."

Min Yoongi, that boy from his high school. That boy he admittedly had fallen in love with on their fourth year together. And now, three years later, he's still hoping for Yoongi to notice him. No, not just as high-school-turned-college acquaintance but maybe something a little bit more.

On his ascent to his apartment, Jungkook notices there are huge piles of boxes littered in the way towards his room. Some of those boxes even blocking his doorway. Someone must have moved in across his room.

"Oh, Jeon Jungkook. Hi!" Jungkook looks up to see his classmate from Physics during Tuesdays and Thursdays. "Kim Taehyung?" He greeted, kind of sounded like he was unsure of the situation. Taehyung has a big smile on his face, Jungkook couldn't help but give a small smile back. "I guess we'll be neighbors from now on."

"Yeah," Jungkook nods. Jungkook isn't really acquainted with Taehyung in the first place so this may be a bit of an awkward situation for him. He doesn't handle new people all too well, needs a bit of time to adjust. Explains why he hasn't even said more than 20 sentences to Yoongi yet even after three years of having a crush on him.

"Sorry about the mess. I'll just shove everything into my room. One sec." Taehyung says rapidly and continuously throws his boxes inside his room carelessly. What if something breaks? Jungkook asks himself; his minor OCD getting the best of him. "I–I'll help you get sorted out." Jungkook doesn't know where those words came out from and he thinks he might've scared himself more than he had startled Taehyung.

"Really?" Finding it useless and stupid to take back what he said, Jungkook nods hesitantly. "Thank you!" Taehyung chirps. "I would really like to hug you right now but considering I can't because of these boxes separating us so I'll treat you later instead." The other boy rambles in which Jungkook only smiled at. Taehyung is funny, in a way. Jungkook thinks again.


"Ah, that was hard work. I'm never moving dorms again." Taehyung yells as he plops down his bed. They've finished putting in all of Taehyung's boxes inside of his apartment; in a neat way of course, Jungkook wouldn't allow him to just fling his things around.

Jungkook stands there awkwardly in the middle of Taehyung's room. Debating with himself whether he should sit beside Taehyung on his bed, or sit on one of the boxes (Wait, no, something might break.), or to just sit on the floor. Taehyung might've sensed his awkwardness and stands up, pulls Jungkook towards his bed and makes him sit there. "I'll call pizza delivery now. I still owe you a lot, Jungkookie."


Taehyung finishes the call, seating himself adjacent to his guest. Taehyung being Taehyung can't help being the curious boy he is so he takes a peak at Jungkook and what he is fumbling in his phone. Only to see Jungkook staring at his wallpaper which is Min Yoongi. He knows him because they're seatmates and lab partners in Chemistry.

"You have a crush on Min Yoongi?" Taehyung unexpectedly blurts out. Jungkook immediately jumps, not knowing Taehyung had been prying on what he was doing. Nobody, literally no one, knows that Jungkook has a crush on Min Yoongi, and he's not planning on telling anyone either. But judging by the knowing smirk on Taehyung's face, he can't really deny it this time.

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