💜 Wrong Twin ⅔

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Wooshin and Sunyoul respectively


Jungkook lies on his bed, it has been two days since their- I mean, Jungkook pretending to be Sunyoul and Taehyung's date. Monday came and Taehyung didn't walk Jungkook to his room anymore, he didn't sit with Jungkook at lunch anymore which left Jungkook alone once again since Sunyoul still wasn't back from training.

He's been missing Taehyung too much for his own good. He starts stalking Taehyung's twitter and instagram, once in a while saving a picture or two of Taehyung (not to mention making one as his wallpaper).

Taehyung was true to his word, to Jungkook's dismay. Taehyung wasn't bothering Sunyoul anymore. So the twins had swapped back their phones. But the older still looks over Jungkook whenever he got the chance to. And Jungkook thinks that Taehyung must really like Sunyoul then, because Taehyung still had that look of adoration when he saw "Sunyoul" (aka Jungkook).

The younger twin groans silently, not wanting his brother to hear him from the room next door. And it's bad because he doesn't have anyone to share this with because Sunyoul is in this mess himself.

He looks at his lockscreen, it was a picture of Taehyung when they were in the café which he secretly took. Taehyung was sipping on his strawberry milkshake looking as gorgeous as ever. Jungkook smiles sadly. "I wish you liked me, not Sunyoul."

And then Jungkook comes up with this devious plan to just make Taehyung talk to him. That's all he wanted.



um hi?

Taehyung sure did reply fast, that's one of the things Jungkook liked about him.

hu r u?

It's me, Sunyoul.
I changed my number.
Just wanted to let you know in case you want to text me or something.

Actually, Sunyoul hadn't changed his number. This was Jungkook's number. This is the plan I was talking about.

oh hey sunyoulie ^^
*sunyoul, i meant sunyoul

It's okay, you can call me anything you want.

can i call you baby then?

Whatever floats your boat.

Jungkook smiles, this reminded him of the times he and Taehyung first texted. This will just last for a short while, just a little while until he gets over this phase of Taehyung.

They texted like the last time, until 9pm when they had to sleep for to wake up early school.

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