💜 Teacher Crush ½

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Taehyung is aged down.

Jeon Jungkook is a fresh college graduate and is now ready to take on the world. His passion has always been about teaching, especially teaching music to children. So, he pursued a career that landed him in the most prestigious institution in all of Seoul. He is the ninth grade music teacher and he couldn't feel more blessed to have students that were eager to learn music as much as he did when he was at their age.

"Good Morning, class. I am Jeon Jungkook, I will be your new teacher for Music for this year." Jungkook smiles widely, a bit nervous and a lot excited. The students giggle, since they have no teacher as young as Jungkook, they are also excited to be with him.

"How old are you, Jungkook seonsaeng-nim?" Said one of the girls who giggles afterwards, Jungkook chuckles at the question, "I'm 20." The class oohed, Jungkook is definitely the youngest teacher here in school. (Since he skipped grades he graduated earlier than the expected age.) And, not to mention, the most attractive.

Jungkook gets on with the introductions, deciding not to start his lessons for today to get to know his students more. Although, there is this one particular boy who keeps on staring at Jungkook, somewhat starstruck.

The hour ends and Jungkook dismisses his class, the pupils all go out, talking about their new teacher. A topic that won't seem to die down as of today. Jungkook is busy cleaning up his desk so he doesn't see the boy that didn't go out of the room.

"Seonsaeng-nim?" The boy called out causing Jungkook to be startled and he hit his elbow on the side of the desk, "Ow." He exclaimed calmly. "Crap, I am so sorry for startling you, seonsaeng-nim! Are you alright?" Jungkook winces once before he collects his composure once more. Oh, it was the kid that was staring at him earlier.

"Yes, I'm fine. Thank you... um,"

"Taehyung, I'm Kim Taehyung. It's a pleasure to meet you, seonsaeng-nim." Taehyung smiles, an unusual smile Jungkook had never seen. For it made his heart beat faster. "Thank you, Taehyung. I'm sorry for not noticing you presence." Jungkook says nervously. Why am I suddenly getting tensed around a kid? "It's alright. But, I do have to ask you one thing, seonsaeng-nim."

Jungkook nods, silently telling Taehyung to continue, "Can I call you hyung instead?"

"I-I don't know, Taehyung-ah. Why would you want to call me hyung instead of seonsaeng-nim?"

"Seonsaeng-nim makes me feel like you're really old," Jungkook frowns, "so I want to call you hyung," Taehyung blushes, "because I would really like to date you."


Jungkook would lie if he said he didn't feel flustered around Taehyung, the kid who confessed to him on his first day of teaching. It has been three weeks since then and he feels that Taehyung was serious with his intentions. I can't like a kid! I would be considered as a pedophile! So, you do admit that you have a crush on him? Shut up, Jirae.

Anyway, Taehyung always stays later after their class to help Jungkook clean up instead of going with his friends to lunch, (their class is an hour before it) and waiting for Jungkook for them to walk together to the cafeteria. Taehyung wants to sit with Jungkook but they might earn stares so Taehyung decides it is best that he shouldn't. But that doesn't stop him from stealing glances towards Jungkook's circle of friends; admiring his crush from afar.

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