💙 Hold You Again

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Requested by karin28
Genre: Fluff-Angst, MPreg


Jeon Jungkook is not your average guy. Well, for one thing his grades are above average, IQ above average and literally he's above average in class, that's why his test results were higher and found himself in two grades above his same-aged people.

Now in college, Jungkook faces a sea of new faces and what not. Everything just seemed new to Jungkook's eyes. Except for his close friend, Yoongi, who was a music major, the same course he's taking.

"Hyung, I feel so out of place."

"That's what newcomers say. It's only natural, Kook. You'll get used to it."

But there was this one person that kept on catching Jungkook's eye. It was V, er, Kim Taehyung. Jungkook knew who he was since he was pretty popular. Heck, the first name he heard when he entered the university was Kim Taehyung.

Kim Taehyung. How do I begin to describe him? Handsome, very. Tall, blonde, playboy.

"Stay away from him, he's nothing but trouble." Yoongi advices once he sees his dongsaeng stare at Taehyung for quite some time. But something about Taehyung just makes Jungkook's stomach do somersaults.

Jungkook only nods, adjusting his glasses and continuing to read his textbook. Well, at least trying to. He couldn't keep Taehyung's smile off his face. It was charming, attractive, alluring.


Three months have passed and still Jungkook kept on thinking about Taehyung. Avoiding the guy in corridors, stealing gazes at him at lunch. Pass by his classroom, whenever he gets the chance, to sneak a peek over him.

It was no doubt that Jungkook is indeed attracted to the boy. Although Yoongi had warned him many times already, he still can't help but fall for Taehyung's charms even though he and Taehyung had never even made visual contact.

One fine day, when Jungkook was heading to the library with his nose on a book he's been so sucked into since last week, he bumps into none other than his crush himself.

Oh man, holy shit.

"Watch where you're going, cutie. You might just fall for me."

But I am.

"I- " I really like you. "I really like you." Silence at four seconds, Jungkook had his eyes wide when he realized what he had just said. "Crap! I meant I- I'm really sorry!" Ground, open up and eat me now.

Taehyung was miserably failing trying hard to hide that devilish smirk on his face. This one seems innocent. Jungkook's blush was prominent on his face as he looked away from Taehyung. "Hey, cutie, look at me." Did he just call me cutie?


The older smiles, Its so bright up close. "Jeon Jungkook, huh? I'll pick you up at lunch." Taehyung adjusts Jungkook's eyeglasses for him before walking away.

Jungkook just stood there frozen like a statue. Did Taehyung say he was going to pick him up at lunch?

"Fuck, fuck, fuck."

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