💜 Baby Maybe

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In which Jungkook always answers with Maybe and Taehyung has had enough of this complete, utter bullshit.


Taehyung is always seen practicing his favorite sport, soccer, out on the school field as it was nearing the Inter-High Championship League (which was a big deal for the school), and since Taehyung was vice-captain, he works hard to please his coach, the captain, his teammates and especially, the school. It is Taehyung's drill every afternoon: practice with his teammates and get better. Until one, stupid afternoon, when his brother had asked of him a favor of returning a library book that had been overdue for two weeks. Taehyung had no other choice since Baekhyun had threatened to reveal to their parents about his secret stash of Playboy magazines that of which Taehyung reasoned he was only keeping for his friend (which what he told was true, courtesy of Kim Namjoon).

Why can't Baekhyun just return the library book himself? Oh well, he says that there's this tall librarian's assistant with big ears that Baekhyun had taken a shit ton of hatred to and since this small hyung wants nothing to do with the one he calls Yoda, he let his little brother return the damn book to the fifth floor of their school building which, consequentially, Taehyung knows he will be late for his four o'clock in the afternoon's practice.

"I swear, Baekhyun-hyung has a crush on that person since talks about him nonstop. He's just too shy to return the book because, coincidentally, that person is the librarian's assistant and if he returns an overdue book, it'd be a freaking embarrassment." Taehyung mumbles to no one in particular. Actually, for a guy who acts dumb around his friends and basically thinks about nothing else but soccer, he has wit.

At last, he had reaches the library, lazily trudging towards the place because as author had repeated over and over and over again, he'd rather be at practice than doing this. "Aish, I'll have to kill Namjoon-hyung later." Taehyung swore he'd have to, why did Namjoon hide those stuff with him anyway? That which Taehyung still has to find out why. With the cursed book in hand, the athlete walks towards the counter and gently slides it towards a tall male with huge ears. Oh, what do you know, it's him. 'Park Chanyeol' He mentally reads the pin on the senior's uniform.

"I'm here to return an overdue book my brother had borrowed?" Taehyung sounds unsure, "His name is Kim Baekhyun."

"Ah, so you're baby smurf's brother. Okay, just sign here and then you're good to go."

'Baby smurf? Psh.' Taehyung almost burst out laughing but keeps it in since one: he is in the library which meant "Silence is Golden" and two: he is not to humiliate Baekhyun in front of Yoda. He signs the receipt and makes his way outside the library. Taehyung coolly puts his hands inside his pockets while wearing that I don't give a shit face casually strolling out when he bumps into a walking stack of books.

Wait, a walking stack of books?

"Um, I'm sorry. Please let me pass." The walking stack of books talks. Taehyung looks aside and sees the cutest human being he ever laid eyes on. Okay, that may be a little bit exaggerated but the stranger was definitely cute. "That looks really heavy for a pretty boy to be carrying. Can I help?" Aside from soccer, Taehyung is also extremely good at flirting, he isn't a fuckboy, though. He's just naturally gifted at wooing. The boy flushes, Taehyung thinks he can't be more adorable than that, "M-Maybe." He replied. Taehyung takes ¾ of the stack and asks the cutie where he would place the books.

"Thanks for helping me, um..."

"Taehyung, or you can call me yours."

"Aha, right. Thanks again, Taehyung."

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