💜 Missing Piece

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I'm Jeon Jeongguk, I'm 19 years old. I've lived in Incheon for seven years after we left Busan. My father and mother were promoted to the higher districts of their company, that's why we left my hometown.

Now, I am wandering the busy streets of Incheon. School is out for the day and it was already nearing six. I called my mother that I would be home later this evening and that I decided to eat outside tonight. I am majoring Architecture in Incheon National University and on my first year. I wasn't comfortable living without my parents yet so I still live with them. They seemed to be happy with the idea of me staying for another year with them since "They did not want to see their little boy grow up."

As of now, I am happy with my life. I have a loving and supportive family, my friends are nice people, and although school is hectic, I still enjoy it and the manageable transition from high school to college. Things are going smoothly and simple. However, I still long for the missing pieces of my semi-complete puzzle.

Everyone seems to be looking for that missing piece and doesn't know what that piece is. I am one of those people. I am contented with my life but I still am incomplete. But I'm young, and I have time to find what I am looking for. I don't plan to rush, things will be better in time.

Today is May 4th, 2017, that means we will have the ranking tests next week's Monday. After that, I'll be able to know which subjects I am good at and which I have yet to improve. I want every subject to be balanced, and, even better if I could get everything above average. Then, I'll have better chances to graduate this year with flying colors.

Thinking about life and my future seems to take me out of the real world, I bump into someone, oh life is cliché, when I wasn't looking where I was going. "I'm sorry, are you okay?"

I blink a couple of times before replying, "It's alright, and I apologize as well. I was in deep headspace." This man gives off a bright impression. It is nearing nightfall yet he seems to be beaming with sunshine. He studies me up and down, then makes a face showing he is holding back a chuckle.

"You seem quite young to think through things so deeply." He comments on my action. I know I am too young to think about life and what lies ahead of me. I am on the last of my teenage years but I think like a person in their late 20s. "I like to get lost, sometimes." It is true, I love getting lost in my thoughts, to drown in deep thinking to let time pass. I guess, this is my hobby.

"My name is Kim Taehyung."

"I'm Jeon Jeongguk, nice to meet you, Taehyung-ssi."

Taehyung made me call him hyung since he is 21 years old and, oddly enough, a junior who studies Business in my university. I learned that he lives alone since his hometown is Daegu and moved to Incheon for the sake of his studies. We also ate dinner together where we, mostly he, talked about ourselves.

Is this fate or just a coincidence? When I bumped into him earlier, I could have just apologized and easily walked away or I befriended him and simply declined his offer to spend time with him this evening. But here I am, sitting opposite him while we eat dinner like we've known each other for years. The atmosphere is comfortable and light and glowing. I could not even believe myself on how relaxed I am when usually, talking to new people seem to frighten me most of the time.

"Jeongguk, you're getting lost again."

"Am I?" I blink rapidly and purse my lips into a thin line. "I apologize." He started to laugh, not too loud, for an unknown reason. Seeing him laugh makes me happy, it's like we have this connection already forming between the two of us, and it hasn't been a good five hours since we've met. "You're too formal, kid."

On our way to the restaurant, Taehyung told me that I should drop the formality since we were kind of buddies now. I have never tried to speak informally outside my home since people might find it uncomfortable. He forcefully stops his laughing when he notices that I got silent. "You're smiling." I did not know that I was. His happiness must be contagious.

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