💙 Whipped For You

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Requested by: -ffrdzky
Genre: Fluff, modern prince!au

I won't do part twos of Can I Have This Dance and Missing Piece, they're okay the way they ended :>


16-year-old Prince of Busan, Jeon Jeongguk, lays on his bed inside his bedroom with phone in hand and earphones plugged to his ears. He is bored out of his mind and wishes something wonderful would happen today.

A knock on the door is heard and enters the castle butler, Jeongguk hopes it will be some exciting news. He drops his earphones and bows at the butler, "Prince Jeongguk, someone will arrive momentarily as he had been assigned as your advisor." He spoke too soon.

"Again? I thought I had talked to mother about this."

"My Prince, the King insists you must have your regal advisor." Jeongguk huffs and plops back down on his bed. Dang, just when he finally got rid of the previous one (he didn't do anything, that advisor left because he was old and was retiring.) "The guests will arrive soon, your highness, we better get you ready."

"I'll dress myself, you may go now, Yifan."

Why does father always send those people here? Just because they're scholars, they should tell me what to do and what not to do. Jeongguk mumbles under his breath as he changes into more suitable clothes: a black tuxedo and his silver crown. He studies himself in the mirror, as bored as he can be until he decided it will be best if he goes out before the guests arrive.

Great, another old person will teach him about life and etiquette. As if he has not learned more than what he should already know.


A Bugatti Type 57 rolls up on the palace driveway and out steps a handsome young man with a bright smile and navy blue tux and that gorgeous brown hair just goes too well with his tanned complexion, accompanied by his own butler and chauffeur.

"Mother, is that-"

"Yes, I know this dashing lad is Eraerose Academy for Monarchs youngest graduate. He will be your advisor, so treat him properly."

Jeongguk finally had his wish granted. "I'm blessed af."

"You were muttering something, love?" The queen turns to her beloved child, Jeongguk gasps softly. She taught him countless of times to talk formal and never to curse, he is a prince, after all. "I just said this suit is itchy, mother." He says, smiling nervously at his mother.

"Your highnesses, my name is Kim Taehyung, and it is a pleasure to serve under your command."

Taehyung bows a perfect 90° and Jeongguk swears to every living shit that Taehyung just smiled at him.

I fucking fell in love.

The Queen slightly tugs on the Prince's hand, motioning for him to step in her and the King's center. "Taehyung-ssi, this is Jeongguk, our beloved little gremlin-"

"Mother, I told you not to call me that." Jeongguk blushed out of embarrassment because he swears, again, that Taehyung just snorted at the cute-ish nickname. "Isn't he just simply adorable?" The Queen pinches her son's cheeks and Jeongguk couldn't get any more redder. Taehyung half-smirks, casually checking out Jeongguk (which almost made the young royal faint) before saying, "Yes, he is."

I'm fucking hyperventilating.

"We will leave you two for further introductions, as you two will spend a very long time together. Ciao." The King says before walking inside the castle with the Queen.

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